
The Story.

It may already be too late.

I was told that the past few decades, which I thought I had spent working for others, were actually for myself. That I never considered anyone else's feelings. Did they think I wouldn’t feel anything when they said that?

Since then, I spent every day just waiting for time to pass. I would get up, head to work, and come back on the last train. I had no motivation. I just went through the motions of a lousy routine.

Recently, on a whim, I took seven caffeine pills when you’re only supposed to take one a day. As a result, I nearly collapsed twice at work. I thought, "How strong is my body to withstand that?" I didn’t actually collapse, I just nearly did.

At that moment, I had a thought.

“So, no one is worried about me?”

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I stopped caring about everything. I recently watched a documentary about someone who was hospitalized due to excessive caffeine intake. I kind of wished I had been hospitalized too.

I’m done living the same life over and over. I wanted to go somewhere far away, so I just got on a train.

It’s packed. The car is full of people who are probably going out for fun on their day off. I’m typing this, wishing I was the only one feeling this way.

Will someone call me again? Or maybe they’ve given up. No need to worry about me.

For now, I’m no longer there. Don’t look for me.

P.S. It seems not everyone in the world is bad.

