


(日経新聞 10月25日 電子版 筆者作成)














Title: Labor Standards and Workstyle Reform: Balancing Self-Growth and Regulations

・Labor time regulations in the Labor Standards Act have become an important compliance issue, and labor-related issues are also being scrutinized in processes such as IPO evaluations.
・Workstyle reform has led to revisions in the law aimed at correcting long working hours and improving work-life balance.
・However, for growth-oriented young talent, legal regulations can sometimes constrain their opportunities for self-growth, leading to issues like "white-collar" resignations.
・Within the framework of workstyle reform, Japanese values that view work as a source of fulfillment and the concept of work-life integration have gained prominence.
・Currently, in order to enable individuals who wish to work more, there is a need for systems that allow them to work either as freelancers or in leadership positions, as the choice is often limited to these options. Those who want to work as employees also require systems that enable them to work more.
・Issues with the system include employee health management, reduced productivity, and the fact enforcement of long working hours. Addressing these challenges necessitates strengthening corporate governance, conducting training, and listening to employees.
・In line with the spirit of workstyle reform, there is a desire for revisions to labor laws that recognize diverse workstyles while creating an environment where individuals who want to work more can achieve growth.
(Nikkei Newspaper, October 25th, Electronic Edition, Author's compilation)

In recent years, Japan has seen the advocacy of workstyle reform, with a particular focus on the regulations concerning working hours within the Labor Standards Act. This article delves into the effects of the revision of the Labor Standards Act and the implications of workstyle reform, shedding light on the modern labor environment's dilemma between self-growth and legal regulations.

1.Importance of Labor Standards and Compliance:
As part of workstyle reform, revisions to the Labor Standards Act aim to rectify long working hours and improve work-life balance. Compliance with legal regulations is crucial for both businesses and individuals, and labor-related issues are closely scrutinized, even in processes like IPO evaluations.

2.Dilemma Between Self-Growth and Legal Regulations:
On the other hand, for growth-oriented young talents, labor regulations can sometimes hinder their opportunities for self-growth. Prohibiting long working hours through the law can make it challenging for individuals to achieve their goals, contributing to issues like the phenomenon of "white-collar" resignations.

3.New Workstyles and Values:
Workstyle reform is introducing fresh perspectives to Japan's work culture. It emphasizes viewing work as not just an obligation but as a source of fulfillment, embracing values where work is integrated into one's life, represented by the concept of "work-life integration."

4.Improvements and Challenges in the System:
Currently, improving the system is essential to create an environment where people who wish to work more can do so. Addressing issues such as employee health management, reduced productivity, and the fact enforcement of long working hours are crucial steps.

The Labor Standards Act and workstyle reform are ushering in transformative changes in Japan's labor environment. Striking a balance between self-growth and legal regulations remains a challenging task. The future calls for more flexible and effective systems that allow individuals to achieve self-growth and maintain a healthy work-life balance. As Japan's labor culture evolves, harmony between new values and regulations is needed to shape a future where both thrive.
