


(日経新聞 10月31日 電子版 一部抜粋)












Title: Taxi Driver Shortage: The Changes Brought by Women and Ridesharing

・President of Daiichi Kotsu Sangyo hopes to secure taxi drivers through the hiring of women.
・There is a shortage of taxi drivers. The pandemic has led to resignations, and the rebound in tourist numbers, including inbound travelers, is exacerbating the shortage.
・Discussions to deregulate ridesharing, where private car owners can transport customers for a fee, are heating up.
・We talked to Ryoichiro Tanaka, President of Daiichi Kotsu Sangyo, which owns 8,000 taxis nationwide and is based in Kitakyushu, about measures to address driver shortages and the need for deregulation.

One of the significant challenges facing Japan's taxi industry is the shortage of drivers. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in resignations, and the rebound in inbound tourism is worsening the labor shortage. Amidst this backdrop, Ryoichiro Tanaka, President of Daiichi Kotsu Sangyo, which owns 8,000 taxis across Japan and is based in Kitakyushu, believes that actively hiring female drivers could help solve this issue.

Current Status of Driver Shortage
There are several reasons for the shortage of drivers in the taxi industry. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decline in performance, reducing drivers' incomes. As a result, many have switched to other jobs. Additionally, the number of inbound tourists is recovering, further exacerbating the driver shortage.

Potential of Female Drivers
As President Tanaka suggests, female drivers could potentially resolve this issue. Women are generally involved in fewer traffic accidents compared to men and are often better at customer service. These characteristics could win customer favor and potentially improve business performance.

Impact of Ridesharing
Another point to consider is the deregulation of ridesharing services. If approved, this could introduce severe competition for the taxi industry. However, ridesharing and taxis may cater to different needs and could coexist.

The shortage of taxi drivers is a critical issue for the entire industry. The hiring of female drivers, as proposed by President Tanaka, appears to be a promising solution to this problem. Moreover, the deregulation of ridesharing services is an unavoidable issue that needs careful consideration. Moving forward, it will be crucial to keep an eye on how these developments impact the industry.
