
AHL Weekly House Expo Dec.10-Dec.11: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." From Tokyo, where we had a well-sunny weekend that felt like winter all over again, I'll be introducing you to new-built house music from around the world.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) I Didn't Run, I Walked Away To Get A Better Me (Deez Raw Life Mix)

NYのプロデューサー、DJ Discipleの曲をダラスの鉄人Demarkus Lewisがリミックス。Demarkus Lewisらしい、スムースで流麗な展開が心地良いです。

A remix by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis of a track by New York producer DJ Disciple, with a smooth, fluid development that is typical of Demarkus Lewis.

2) Sasion - Spark It Up Extended Mix

ロンドンの2人組Saisonの「Spark It Up」を彼ら自身がリミックス。ダークに響くピアノが印象的な仕上がりです。

Their own remix of London duo Saison's 'Spark It Up'. The dark, resonant piano is an impressive finish.

3) Massiande - I Feel It

ロンドンのFreerangeからリリースされた、チリ・サンチアゴのプロデューサー、Massiandeの「I Feel It」。荒々しいビートの響きの奥からきこえてくる、あでやかなシンセと男性ボーカル。最高。

'I Feel It' by Santiago, Chilean producer Massiande, released on London's Freerange label. Blistering synths and male vocals emanate from behind the echoes of a rough beat. Best for.

4) Ralph Session - Genesis

シカゴで30周年を迎えた信頼のレーベル、Large Musicからリリースされた、スペインを拠点に活動するDJ・Ralph Sessionの「Genesis」。優雅なパッドにストレンジなシンセトーンも顔を出す楽しいトラックです。

'Genesis' by Spain-based DJ Ralph Session, released on Chicago's trusted Large Music label, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary. It's a fun track with graceful pads and strangely synth tones that also show up on the track.

5) Demeanors - Ride Or Die (CEV's Remix)

フランス・リールでCEV's率いるOhmelyaからリリースされた、イギリスの2人組Dope Demeanorsの「Ride Or Die」を、CEV's自身が華やかにリミックス。気持ちいい!

CEV's own gorgeous remix of British duo Dope Demeanors' 'Ride Or Die', released on CEV's Ohmelya led label in Lille, France. Feels good!

6) Kevin Yost - I Love The Kick

米ワシントンDCの大ベテラン、Kevin Yostの「I Love The Kick」。甘い響きのシンセリフレインが心地良い。

'I Love The Kick' by Washington DC, USA veteran Kevin Yost. The sweet-sounding synth refrain is pleasant.

7) Ale Castro, The Checkup - Pleasure

10月のリリースですが、僕のチェック漏れてました。ベルリンのThe CheckupとAle Castroのコラボで「Pleasure」。パーカッションのパターンが面白くてずっと聴いてしまう、アブストラクトな曲です。

It was released in October, but my check omitted. 'Pleasure' is a collaboration between Berlin's The Checkup and Ale Castro. It's an abstract song with interesting percussion patterns that I keep listening to.

8) Tête De La Course - I Got It

スペイン・バルセロナのプロデューサー、Tete De La Courseの「I Got It」。脈動しながら高らかに鳴る、ストレートなピアノリフが最高です。

'I Got It' by Barcelona, Spain producer Tete De La Course. It's a pulsating, soaring, straightforward piano riff at its best.

9) Disco D.N.A. feat. Brent - Make Luv (Nu Disco Club Mix)

これ良いー。Disco D.N.A.の「Make Luv」。クラシックハウスの雰囲気も漂わせたストレートなNu Disco。この分かりやすさは貴重。気に入りました。

This is good - 'Make Luv' by Disco D.N.A. Straightforward Nu Disco with a hint of classic house. Liked.

10) Julius Papp - Journey Together

久しぶりに名前を聞いた気がする、サンフランシスコのプロデューサー、Julius Pappの「Journey Together」。ベテランらしいウェルメイドの仕立てで、安心して音に身を任せられます。

"Journey Together" by San Francisco producer Julius Papp, whose name I feel like I haven't heard in a while. It's veteran-like, well-made and tailored, and you can safely lose yourself in the sound.

【Track of the Week】Massiande - I Feel It


I chose this cool track for 'Track of the Week'. I feel the core of the song is strong, or the power of the song, like the strength of will. It's the kind of song that makes you feel the strength of house music being house music.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

Here's the new house music for 2022!


Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 455 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
