
 Hello, this is  Yamamoto.


 I had a very strange and interesting dream this morning.


 In dream, I was in a pure white meadow.


 It was a peaceful place, like heaven.


 I was walking with my fictional girlfriend.


 She talked happily, but suddenly she vomited blood.


 And she fell into the white meadow.


 I realized she would die.


 I thought I had to say something, and I said, "I love you."


 She vomited blood, and, smiled.


 I hugged her delicate body and cried.


 Then, as if it was aimed at that moment, the song "Sunflower Promise" began to play.


 At a loud volume.


 I want to be by your side, I wonder if I can do something for you……


 I kept hugging her as the music directed.


 Through this dream, I learned why people listen to music.


 Maybe, Music is there to create a mood of a listener.


 Just as music plays in a movie, we play music in our daily lives.


 If you want to make a movie about the current scene, what kind of music should you play?


 With that in mind, you may be able to make a good song selection.


 good night. I have a dream today as well.


 What kind of music does you play in your dream?
