♩Jack Johnson - Hope

「自分」が変われば世界が変わる? 自分を「見方」に置き換えても同じこと? 自分とは見方なのか? 見方はどのように形成されるのか? 自分が変わろうが世界が変わろうが、微動だにせず息吹き続ける、先天とも後天とも言えぬ「何か」。

稚拙な英語力では曖昧にしか歌詞を読解できないのでCDの和訳を見てみたい。が、たぶん日本語だと共に「心」と訳されることが多い Mind と Heart の話。分けようが合わせようが、感じ入るしかない「莫妄想」後の「希望」の話。

Shadow walks faster than you
You don't really know what to do
Do you think that you're not alone?
You really think that you are immune to
Its gonna get the best of you
Its gonna lift you up and let you down
It will defeat you then teach you to get back up
after it takes away all that you learn to love

Your reflection is a blur
out of focus but in confusion
The frames are suddenly burnt
and in the end of a roll of illusion
a ghost waiting its turn
Now I can see right through
It's a warning that nobody heard
It will defeat you then teach you to get back up
After it takes away all that you learn to love

But you don't always have to hold your head
higher than your heart

You better hope you're not alone

Your echo comes back out of tune
You can quite get used to it
Reverb is just a room
The problem is that there's no truth to it
It's fading way too soon
The shadow is on the move
Maybe you should be moving too
Before it takes away all that you learned to love
It will defeat you and then teach you to get back up

Cause you don't always have to hold your head
higher than your heart

You better hope you're not alone