

See for yourself


I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore... whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me——Isaac Newton

There may not be reasons/meanings, but you know, as sure as sunrise.

Between ephemerality and eternity is "human", rocking in a sea of reveries.

"Intelligence is neither intellectual nor emotional. It's the feel" says the wind, that can never be caught, whether it knows or not.

天へ飛び立つて行くやうな歓喜と 永遠なものに包まれてしまつたような哀愁と それが儚い人間には必要なのです —— 山頂 (抜粋) —— 串田孫一

In the heart lies peace, always.

Nothing is written in the book of Nature (but everything).

The feeling is always willing to be right.

Now is all the time, like never before.

Peace comes when "I am" absent.

Whatever it is, it seems always willing to stay free.

Smiles shine, like the Sun.