
私が買ったもの : その3 アイリバージャパン iFP-500T







What I bought :  Part 3  iRiver Japan iFP-500T

As I get older, the number of things I bought increases, so I'm starting to sort things out little by little. In the process, I found a portable music player that I bought in 2003 or 2004.

It worked fine when I put the switch in, and the battery wasn't weak. It's a device about 20 years ago, but it must have been made well. After using it for a while, I bought a Sony Walkman with an earphone with noise canceling function, and this device with a capacity of 256MB was stowed away.

But when I listened to it now, it sounded good and I thought I would use it at home, but the problem was that there was no software to copy the music data to it. To be precise, if you have a Windows XP PC, the software will work, but that PC is no longer there.

I had no choice but to throw it away, but I still had a Windows PC I bought in 2007. I had already upgraded the OS of the PC from XP to Windows 7, then upgraded to Windows 10, and had it as a spare machine. The hard disk of the PC is broken, so I'm replacing it with an SSD, but it works. So, I removed the SSD of Windows 10 and inserted the SSD I bought as a spare. Then, using the Windows XP installation software I bought at Mercari for about 1,000 yen, I returned the PC to Windows XP again.

As a result, it operated as XP, and the music data copy software worked properly. AVAST, an antivirus software that works on XP, is also included. However, I don't think there is a problem because it is not connected to the Internet and is only used as a dedicated machine for copying music data.

It was the first time for me to combine two devices I bought in the 2000s and reuse them, but I think it was better than just throwing them away.
