


東京逓信病院副院長 江藤隆史「老人の皮膚そう痒の対処法






ご愛顧頂いてまいりました弊社製品の血行促進・皮膚保湿剤『ヘパリン類似物質ローション 0.3%「ラクール」』及び『ヘパリン類似物質クリーム 0.3%「ラクール」』につきまして、諸般の事情により、25g×10 入包装についてやむなく販売を中止させて頂くこととなりました。




後発薬は「慈善事業じゃない」 薄利多売の悪循環、しわ寄せは患者へ」朝日新聞、2023/5/17






先発品 :19.2円 ジェネリック :15.8円




期待の認知症新薬、承認へ 対象は早期の人のみ 治療の流れや価格は」朝日新聞、2023/8/22


Itchy body as you get older, or generic drugs

There are many people who have a condition called pruritus, which is very itchy even though there are not many skin symptoms, or senile xerosis, or dry skin that has become itchy .

Takashi Etou, Deputy Director of Tokyo Teishin Hospital "How to deal with itchy skin in the elderly"

It is common for the body to itch as we age.

My regular internist told me to try a lotion containing a heparin-like substance, and I have been using it for several years.

Before I used this medicine, especially when my shins were itchy and scratched, I still have traces of it. But I've never been so itchy that I couldn't sleep.

The itching has subsided a bit now. It would have been better to use medicine than to do nothing.

I've been buying generic drugs for a long time, but when I went to the pharmacy the other day, I was told that there was only the original drug. I found out that the generic drug has been discontinued.

We would like to inform you about the packaging of 25g x 10 of our well-loved blood circulation and skin moisturizing products, "Heparinoid Lotion 0.3% 'Rakul'" and "Heparinoid Cream 0.3% 'Rakul'". Masu. Due to various circumstances, we have decided to cancel the sale.

Lacour Yakuhin Hanbai Co., Ltd. "Notice of discontinuation of sales"

According to this article, generic drug makers are walking a tightrope with low profits and high sales.

Generic drug production is a high-mix, low-volume production of many different types of drugs. When and which drug is to be produced on which production line is being meticulously planned long into the future. "It's like Tetris," said a manufacturer's public relations official. A slight deviation disturbs the whole. (Omitted) According to the Japan Generic Pharmaceuticals Association, after the Kobayashi Kako and Nichi-Iko scandals, industry-wide production increased. (Omitted) Of the 190 generic drug manufacturers in Japan, 148 handle less than 50 generic drugs. There are only a handful of major players. Amidst the tightness in manufacturing everywhere, small and medium-sized companies cannot fill the large "holes" that have arisen in large companies.

Generic drug manufacturing is not a charity. Patients bear the brunt of the vicious cycle of low profits and high sales.” Asahi Shimbun, May 17, 2023

Perhaps the manufacturer of the generic drug I was using was forced into this situation as well.

How much operating profit, which is the profit of the main business, can be secured against sales. According to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (FY2020), the wholesale industry as a whole has an operating profit margin of 2.0%, while the pharmaceutical wholesale industry stands out at 0.35%. According to Teikoku Databank, a private research firm, many pharmaceutical wholesalers have gone bankrupt due to the recent difficulties. "Do you know how much the cheapest generic medicine sells for?" "It's 5.90 yen. It's cheaper than candy. There's nothing like it in the world."

Generic drugs, which were supposed to be a profitable business, doubly hurt wholesalers,” Asahi Shimbun, May 16, 2023

Pharmaceutical wholesalers are in the same predicament as manufacturers.

Here are the prices per gram of the original and generic lotions I use.

Original product: 19.2 yen   Generic: 15.8 yen

Since it is in a 25-gram container, the difference is 85 yen (I pay 30%, so the difference is about 25 yen). Any difference of this magnitude is acceptable. It's better than nothing.

On the other hand, if the new Alzheimer's disease treatment lecanemab is covered by health insurance, how much will it cost?

In the United States, which is leading the way, it is set at 26,500 dollars a year (1 dollar = about 145 yen, about 3.84 million yen). Prices in Japan are often kept lower than in the United States.

"A promising new drug for dementia will soon be approved. The new drug is only intended for people with early stage disease. What will happen to the treatment flow and price?" Asahi Shimbun, August 22, 2023

I don't want to be in a situation where this drug is used.
