

















逆説とは、それ自体が矛盾しているが、真実の核を含んでいる可能性があるステートメントです。逆説は、2 つの単語が一見矛盾しているように見えますが、どういうわけか真実であるoxymoronと密接に関連しています。逆説には 2 つの包括的なタイプがあります。
1.論理的逆説の例 : 「アキレスと亀」でゼノは、運動は錯覚に過ぎないと主張しています。カメがアキレスとの徒競走で有利なスタートを切った場合、アキレスはどんなに速くても、カメの間の距離を絶えず縮めなければならないため、カメはリードを保持します。
2.文学の逆説の例 : オスカー ワイルドの戯曲『ウィンダミア夫人の扇』で、ダーリントン卿は次のように述べています。「誘惑以外であれば、私は耐えられる」。ワイルドは、この声明の矛盾する考えを使用して、キャラクターが誘惑に抵抗できないことを説明しています。

"Learn the Differences Between Irony, Sarcasm, Satire, and Paradox"

アイロニーとは、予想とは逆のことが起こることです。これは、一般的な英語で最も誤解されている比喩表現の 1 つです。多くの人々は、アイロニーの定義は偶然や不運に関係していると考えていますが、実際には、期待を覆すことにより密接に関連しています。文学のジャンルには 3種類のアイロニーがあります。
1. 言葉のアイロニーの例 : キャラクターが恐ろしい吹雪の中を歩いて出てきて、「なんていい天気なんだ!」と言った場合、言葉のアイロニーが発生します。
2. 状況的アイロニーの例 : 警察官が銃の安全講習を行っていて、授業中に誤って自分の足を撃った場合、それは皮肉な状況になります。
3. 劇的なアイロニーの例 : シェイクスピアは文学作品でしばしばアイロニーをうまく利用しており、ロミオとジュリエットの結末は劇的なアイロニーの具体化です。観客は両方の恋人が生きていることを知っていますが、どちらの恋人も相手がまだ生きていることを知りません。各キャラクターは、観客が知っていることを知らずに毒を飲みます。




光原百合「修辞学的逆説の一分析 アイロニーとの関連」Osaka Literary Review,1990





A Japanese middle-aged man's fan letter to "Venus de Milo" or "paradox" and "irony" in high school Japanese textbooks

In the article I wrote before, I took up an essay in a Japanese language textbook when I was a high school student. I wanted to know what the latest Japanese language textbooks were like, so I read a Japanese language textbook called "Modern Bun B" by Kyoiku Shuppan, which I bought before the Ochanomizu Sanseido bookstore was rebuilt.
This was used in high school until last year.

Before textbooks were divided into novels and criticism as they are now, both are included.

To sum it up, there was a wealth of material that could be written in this note (in other words, it was full of things I wanted to point out).

This time, let's take up the work "Venus de Milo" by Takuyuki Kiyooka. This is in a book published in 1966, so it was written when the author was 44 years old.

In a nutshell, this is a fan letter to "Venus de Milo". Nothing more, nothing less.

Once, looking at the Venus de Milo, I was struck by the strange thought that she must have lost her arms in order to be so enchanting. (Omitted)
She had hidden those arms in her unconsciousness for the sake of her own beauty. For her to go better across borders, and also better through time. (Omitted)
This seems to be an inadvertent jump from the particular to the universal, and an accidental approach to a certain totality through the abandonment of partial concreteness. (Omitted)
I'm not trying to play a paradox here.

Takuyuki Kiyooka "Venus de Milo"

Six pages of tributes to "Venus de Milo" are written. I found an impression when the person who read this sentence actually saw the actual product. Opinions vary from person to person.

I haven't seen the real "Venus de Milo", so I'm not involved in the argument about whether the arms are there or not. This time, I would like to focus on "paradox" and "irony".

And to these words, for example, the lost arms of Venus de Milo, destined to be a work of art, present a strange irony.


"These words" are "the words of a scientist who said that a machine is an extension of the hand" and "the words of a literary person who expressed the happiness of holding a lover's hand for the first time."

At the end of this textbook, the meaning of "irony" in this sentence is "paradox, antonym."

If this meaning is correct, the author says, "I'm not trying to play with a paradox here," but rather, "The lost arms present a strange paradox."

It looks somewhat contradictory.

Originally, paradox and irony are very confusing words. Therefore, there are commentary articles like this for English-speaking people.

After reading this, I still don't understand the difference. I found a paper that explains the difference between these two words a little more clearly.

Those who feel irony from a given situation tend to be those who are directly affected by the structure of the gap, while those who perceive the situation as "paradoxical" are those who take a somewhat objective standpoint from it. It is often the one who can keep it.
In other words, irony is an expression for emphasizing the structure of the opposite relationship itself, and emphasizes the unpredictability of reality by making utterances contrary to reality.
However, the paradox is more abstract, and it seems that it is to make us realize how blindly we follow "common sense" in our daily life by making us recognize the structure of the gap, and to force us to review the common sense itself. Therefore, objectivity that puts one cushion from direct interest is born.

Yuri Mitsuhara "An Analysis of Rhetorical Paradox: Relation to Irony" Osaka Literary Review, 1990

This paper is quite interesting, taking "Detective Columbo" and "Father Brown" as examples. I think it's better than a fan letter from a middle-aged man who likes to use the words "paradox" and "irony" when it's not necessary.

Mr. Takuyuki Kiyooka's sentence "Venus de Milo" seems to have been in textbooks for a long time, and you can also find commentary articles for students like this.

This year's Japanese language textbook doesn't seem to include it ,though I don't know if there is a better sentence than this fan letter.

The title photo is quoted from Wikipedia "Venus de Milo".
