
  • 固定された記事


Hi my name is taiga! I come from a family of educators, with my mother being an English teacher and my grandfather being an art teacher. I have worked as a Japanese language teacher for foreigners and also as a laughter yoga instructor. H

    • 今年はツいてなかったなぁ

      ✨今年の悪運をリセット! 無料で運命を好転させよう!✨ こんにちは、 私はヒーラーの大河です! いきなりですが、 今年もあとわずか、 皆さん今年はどんな年でしたか? 今年はコロナ明けで いろいろ大変だった方も 多かったのではないでしょうか? そんな今年は大変だった、 ツいてなかったなぁ と思われる方へ朗報です! ヒーリングを行うことで 今年の悪い流れをスパッと断ち切り 良い流れにして来年に向けてスタートダッシュしませんか? ただ今 限定19人

      • 気功で人を吹っ飛ばす?!

        こんにちは久しぶりの投稿になります。 土日はには最近はほとんどフリマの出店をして ブログの更新がおろそかになっていました。 頑張って更新していきたいと思います。 さて、よく聞かれるのですが、気功というと 人を吹っ飛ばすとかというイメージを 持たれている方も多いと思いますが、 そのことについて気功の先生に聞いてみたことがありました。 気功で人を吹っ飛ばすというとスゴイイメージがある と思いますが、 実際に気功の達人からしたら大してことは ないそうです。 それはどうい

        • Reasons why I personally believe it is beneficial to continue with wave therapy:

          At the very least, receiving treatments consecutively for five times, with a minimum frequency of once a week, helps establish a foundation for overall body alignment. And furthermore... However, it is important to note that the process d

        • 固定された記事


          The benefits of continuing the treatment:

          The benefits of continuing the treatment: Each session reliably brings about changes in the body and demonstrates noticeable improvements. With other forms of chiropractic or massage, they may only provide temporary relief by simply kneadi

          The benefits of continuing the treatment:

          Regarding remote treatment methods:

          Regarding remote treatment methods: Remote treatments can actually be conducted from anywhere in the world. The method is quite simple: Remote treatments are primarily conducted using video call platforms such as LINE video calls or Zoom

          Regarding remote treatment methods:

          Regarding the flow of the treatment:

          Regarding the flow of the treatment: Consultation: Inquire about the chief complaint, current troublesome symptoms, past medical history, and sports history. Examination: Perform examinations to assess the current condition and measure ef

          Regarding the flow of the treatment:

          Before the treatment,

          Before the treatment, please kindly pay attention to the following three points: Please make sure to remove any devices or accessories such as watches and masks before the treatment. It is important to refrain from consuming alcohol prior

          Before the treatment,

          About Vibrational Therapy:

          What is vibration? Is it about colors, shapes, or expressions? When you hear the term "vibration," What comes to mind? What do you imagine? In Dragon Ball, it would be like the Kamehameha wave, And when we think of Qigong, We picture some

          About Vibrational Therapy: