
英検1級エッセイライティング 2020年度第3回 書いてみました。

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Agree or disagree: Globalization is a positive force in Today's world

Although globalization often causes disputes between democratic and communist societies, as they govern their nations in entirely different ideas, globalization positively influences every country worldwide.

The democratic world often relies on China, in which communism dominates its politics, as international corporations need a workforce to produce their products at low costs. Apple Inc., for example, depends on China to produce its products, the iPhone or the iPad, becoming one of the most important corporations in the world. Apple Inc. makes huge profits thanks to China by producing affordable smartphones. China also obtains foreign currency from international corporations. This kind of international communication leads to a win-win situation.

Regardless of whether what ideology each country has, they can cooperate with other nations to make people who live there have healthier lifestyles or improve their economic conditions. Pharmaceutical companies have been eager to invent new types of vaccines for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Pfizer Inc. and Biotech Inc. unprecedently swiftly developed vaccines for COVID-19, using messenger RNA, which is 95% effective in preventing people from contracting the virus. It goes without saying that this new vaccine will save people's lives around the world and help nations recover from the economic downturn caused by COVID-19.

Although we have faced many kinds of troubles due to cultural differences, there are some things that we can share—love, peace, and kindness. History shows that human nature has caused wars because humans have wanted to show their power or fame. However, in a global society, this kind of human nature is disastrous. Instead, we should care about people around the world so that all people can have happy lives. This mindset will enable all nations to create a peaceful society.

We are already living in a global society; in other words, we are citizens of one nation. Globalization is necessary for all countries to survive in the coming era. With a positive mindset, we can create a society where all human beings can live happily.
