

4日間のシドニー滞在期間、その時に初めてcouchsurfing というプラットフォームを使ってみた。これは、異文化交流を目的とする旅人と、宿泊先を提供するホストとを結びつけるSNSである。一人旅は孤独でもあるため、ローカルの人と時間を過ごせることに魅了されて好奇心のままに使用してみた。



My couchsurfing guest was from Iran. He hosted me for two nights out of four nights I booked with him. The first two days and nights were pleasant and I truly appreciate his time to show me around the city and the blue mountains. On the third night, He suddenly said to me “Can I tell you something? Do you have a stress in life?" And he shared me his political issues in his own countries.  I didn't have enough knowledge about political situation in Iran so I was very intrigued and ask questions. But I could see that this topic made him unpleasant emotionally, and I could see his attitude changed gradually. And then suddenly he said “write a review before I kill you.” and I thought it’s a joke but he never made such jokes before and I trusted him as a honest person, so I told him “That’s not a good joke” and try not to think about it. But once I started thinking about what he said, I couldn’t stop worrying about everything he said and wanted to understand why he said that. I was trying to sleep but my brain was completely awake, so I decided to have a conversation about what he meant. I went to living room where he was and told him “I can’t sleep” but then he said “you gonna be fine, just close your eyes, or what, I’ll kill you.” I was so scared because I thought if I mentioned about something make him feels uncomfortable I might get killed. When he came into my room again after with his angry eyes, I ran outside the the apartment without any of my belongings except my phone. On the street I called two friends in Sydney to see what they recommended and I asked someone to pick me up. At the same time, two people driving past saw me running away and they suggested after hearing what happened that they could take me to the nearest police station at castle hill. I told my other friend, still on the phone, that I would go with these two kind members of the public to the police station and the police could help me get my passport, laptop and other belongings. My friend agreed and he later came to the police station to pick me up.
At the police station, I told my full story to two police officers who called him to the police station to interview him and get my things. They helped resolve the situation and he came to the station and brought my things. He tried to tell the officers it was just a joke but nobody felt his excuse was justifiable yet I declined to press further charges. I just wanted my things, and to go to another place where I felt safe. Thankfully the police helped and my other friend took care of me after. I wanted to write a report to ensure this type of experience does not happen to anyone else. He has volatile emotions and even though he can be friendly and nice at times, I found that sometimes his emotions could suddenly change to anger etc and I don’t believe someone like this should be a host on a platform where safety is the most important consideration. Thank you for your attention and I trust you will take appropriate action.






自分の寝床はどこか、ホストはどこで寝るのか、その人がcouchsurfing を通して何を求めているのかなど、基本的な情報を集めることが大事。そして、そのほかの女性からのリファレンスがあるかどうかを確認して、安全そうかを確認する。




