#054 韓国語版FORBESへのインタビューの回答





















Although you are already a celebrity, please introduce yourself and say hello to your Korean readers after a long time.

"Hello, I'm Yamaguchi Shu. After studying philosophy and art history at university, I worked for an advertising agency and a consulting firm in the United States, mainly in the areas of strategic planning, leadership & organization development. Currently I am a independent researcher, management philosopher and book author."

You've written a number of work-related books. I wonder what you think is the reason why modern people have become more interested in the meaning and value of work.

The growing interest in the meaning and value of work can be attributed to the fact that many people have realized they have lost that meaning. Throughout history, people have sought values such as safety, comfort, and convenience, which have now largely been achieved. As a result, business is losing its social significance and existential value.

Do you agree that the point of view of work(or labor, job) has changed in our society for a long time? I think it would be good if you could point out the history of change. Also I wonder if you think the level of awareness of the concept of work has improved or regressed.

I agree with the opinion that there have been changes over time. As mentioned earlier, in societies before the 20th century, many jobs were aimed at making people's lives safer, more comfortable, and more convenient. However, now that these values have been largely achieved, I believe it is time for work to shift towards the next goal. If safety, comfort, and convenience represent "civilizational values," then the next goal of work should be to transform society into something "worth living for" and "fulfilling life," in other words, to generate "cultural values."

I would like to hear your opinions on work-life balance culture.

When work and life are seen as a trade-off, finding a solution becomes difficult. For society to truly progress to the next stage, the division between work and life needs to disappear, and work, play, and life should become intertwined. For an artist, creating artwork is work, play, and life itself. The German contemporary artist Joseph Beuys once pointed out that the work of ordinary people is not just business but an artistic act that contributes to the creation of a social artwork, which he called "social sculpture." When we are engaged in work, we are not just doing a job; we are joyfully participating in the creation of the social artwork. With such awareness, the framework of work-life balance dissolves.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the increased economic volatility, and the rise of artificial intelligence technology, more people are reflecting on their work, organization, and life. Maybe the social perspective on work has entered a period of transition or chaos. I'd like to know your opinion on this.

I believe we are entering a transitional phase. The pandemic has prompted us to think about what truly essential work means for our society through discussions about essential work. Economic instability has made us consider what capitalism brings and takes away. And now, the emergence of artificial intelligence technology poses the question of what work truly belongs to humans and what only humans can do. These questions will lead us to the conclusion that our future work cannot remain the same.
Psychologist William Bridges points out that when things transition, it is not just a simple change to something new, but the process involves "endings" and "chaos", and I think now we are in the middle of this “endng and chaos” process.

What do you think is the essence of work for humans?

Philosopher Hannah Arendt categorizes work, labor, and action as three different aspects of human life. According to her, labor refers to the various consumptive activities necessary for our daily lives, work involves transforming the world to make it more convenient, safe, and comfortable, and action pertains to political participation aimed at creating a society where human dignity is fully realized. Her concern was that people are overly engaged in labor and work, while lacking participation in action.
If we accept this definition as it is, it would imply that we should engage more in political activities. However, I believe we can interpret Arendt's observation in a more flexible manner.
For example, Tesla, a new emerging company from the United States, has stated since its founding in 2003 that they aim to change the way civilization relies too heavily on fossil fuels. Similarly, Fairphone, a Dutch smartphone startup founded in 2013, proposes "long-lasting smartphones" as an alternative to conventional smartphones with high environmental and resource burdens caused by frequent replacement. Although these businesses are outwardly seen as purely commercial ventures, their essence can be considered a form of social movement, aligning with what Arendt refers to as "action."
Undoubtedly, with the rise of artificial intelligence and technological advancements, the value of "labor" and "work" as described by Arendt is diminishing, and human roles are transitioning towards "action."

Do you think that △the preparation of humanities courses in companies, △the
emergence of corporate citizenship theory and △the rise of happiness management theory in Europe can compensate for the ills of capitalism?

I think it is effective. The United States has the Aspen Institute, and Europe has a long tradition of liberal arts education in universities. South Korea, China, and Japan have a historical background of lowering the priority of liberal arts education in the process of catching up economically. Now, in order to effectively restrain the drawbacks caused by the runaway nature of capitalism and strike a balance between the positive aspects of capitalism and social democracy, I believe that people involved in business management need to possess a foundation in liberal arts.

Do you agree with the argument that career journeys should be thought separately throughout a whole life?

If the intention of the question is to suggest that "career and life should be considered separately," I do not agree. Work is one of the factors that significantly affects the quality of a person's whole life. However, if the intention of the question is to propose that "company and life should be considered separately," then I agree. A company is merely one voluntary organization that a person participates in during a certain period of their life, and it is becoming more common to engage with multiple organizations in the future. The era of "my entire life is within the company" is already fading, and we are entering an era where "the company is a part of my life."

What efforts do you think modern people need to make to combine happiness in the workplace, improvement of organizational productivity, and social development?

First and foremost, it is necessary to understand that there is no success within the current status quo. What is needed is a mindset of "looking at the present from the future" rather than "extending the present." In other words, it is important to start the discussion by asking, "What kind of society would be ideal in 100 years?" All of our work can be considered as public service. Those jobs should be directed towards resolving the remaining gaps between the "ideal society in 100 years" and the current society. When all of our work is directed towards such a realm, individuals involved in those jobs will be able to achieve self-fulfillment through their work, and many of these jobs should yield a fair return relative to the amount of labor invested.

Please tell me if you have any stories or advice that you couldn't include in your
book. What do you want to advise both managers and employees?

American philosopher Kate Soper has recently stated that regarding the environmentally conscious consumer behavior observed in the United States and Europe, "consideration for society and the environment is not suppressing self-interest, but rather self-interest has internalized consideration for society and the environment." If the groups that align their interests between the economy and society or the economy and the environment continue to grow in society, both the traditional ways of working and the management theories formed in the 20th century will crumble and collapse. In such an era, what we should rely on is not external theories but the ability to contemplate "what is truly right" within ourselves. It is precisely because of such times that we are required to think not about "winning in competition" but about "what truly holds value" and transform it into our work.



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