
『TIME』誌 寄稿 「idea to help rebuild trust in 2024」

米国タイム誌が発行する「ダボス特別号」のヤング・グローバル・リーダーズ特集に寄稿した。特集テーマは「idea to help rebuild trust in 2024(信頼を再構築するためのアイデア 2024)」。

タイム誌の提示する「アイデア・オブ・ザ・イヤー2024」と、2024年の世界経済フォーラム年次総会のテーマである「Rebuilding Trust - 信頼の再構築」を絡めた企画だ。

グローバルな意思決定と解決策構築には、リーダーシップの多様性が重要である。世界のヤング・グローバル・リーダーたちが持ち寄るアイデアは、ユニークな視点の集合となるだろう。同時にそれは、フォーラムが掲げる他分野にわたるテーマを網羅する。本企画は、多様なアイデアと多様なリーダーシップでテーマに取り組むことが「Rebuilding Trust - 信頼の再構築」になるという、タイム誌の提案でもあるだろう。


idea to help rebuild trust in 2024

Time matters. The basis of building trust is time. It cannot be built overnight, but it can be broken instantly. In the age of 100- year lifespans, are we more likely to think about the long-term as we live longer? The reality is the opposite. Politicians are preoc- cupied with the next election, business- people are busy with quarterly results, and everyone is distracted by the incessant notifications from their smartphones. In an environment filled with stimuli that drive us toward short- termism, we have to consciously cultivate the ability to think and act longer. Instead of focus- ing on the present, we should ask: How can we become good ancestors for the future generation? This question, posed by Roman Krznaric in his book The Good Ancestor, is exactly what the lead- ers today should ask themselves. One hun- dred years from now, in the year 2124, we will all be the ances- tors of the future generations. We ourselves, who wish future generations to live a life where they can say, “I am glad I was born,” were also wished the same happiness by the dead who came before us. Now it’s our turn. What can we do to leave our descendants more options? We must urgently tackle the massive global issues that face us. However, we must temper the concerns of the “now” with the “long-now” to earn the trust of future generations.




このnoteマガジンは、僧侶 松本紹圭が開くお寺のような場所。私たちはいかにしてよりよき祖先になれるか。ここ方丈庵をベースキャンプに、ひじ…

"Spiritual but not religious"な感覚の人が増えています。Post-religion時代、人と社会と宗教のこれからを一緒に考えてみませんか? 活動へのご賛同、応援、ご参加いただけると、とても嬉しいです!