Call of dutyをやって思ったこと【動画クリエイターの日常vol.48】


そう、Call of dutyです。今更w



I was thinking about entertainment through call of duty.[video creator diary vol.48]

I installed a app game yesterday after a long time.

you know that is "Call of duty".
I know I'm late.haha

I think that has some points to continue the game.
Koya ko-do and PUBG also have those points. Online games can give us an experience that the feeling we are fighting with other people at real.
We will fight to win the game somehow, and then, If we could win, the score of our team is going up. so we can get something the feeling getting much score ,and satisfaction to get down some enemy. 

We have to concern about the feeling when they get like that experience.
We need to give them those feeling.
Normal contents can't move their mind.

動画編集や音楽制作を通して、稼げるクリエイターを世の中に増やす活動をしています。 「ちょっと支援してやるか」と思っていただいた方、その支援が僕や周りの方々の創作活動の励みになります🙇‍♂️ よろしくお願いします!