

タイトルにある通り、iphone12を買おうか迷ってまして、リセールバリューで考えると、今持っているiphone Xを売ると4〜5万くらいにはなるので実質5〜8万ほどで新型iphoneに乗り換えられます。
迷ってはいるのですが、今のところ買わないかなぁ。動画クリエイターとしてはiphone 12 pro max魅力ですが、レンズの方が買いたいし。


I concern about how much the things could be resell[video creator diary vol.50]

Finally, this article came to volume 50, It is amazing.
Actually I don't write about such as good topic or tips but I'm happy that you see this article. To return some things, I continue to write this article.

Today, I'm going to talk about how should I deal an old iphone when purchasing a new one.
I will decide whether I buy that one or not.
as thinking resell value, If I resell an old iphone , maybe I will get 40 to 50 thousand yen, so at real I can get a new one by paying 50 to 80 thousand yen. Is that valuable to pay?

Nowadays it is difficult to resell an old iphone by using mercali.
When I sold iPhone 5S, I could do that immediately. but now I couldn't do that maybe.
I'm still concern about it, but maybe I won't. A new iPhone is attracting me because I am a video creator, but I want to get a new lens for my video as well, so I wont.
Okey today is end, I think my English writing skill is becoming better than the first article??? I don't know.

I just continue this, and I'll get a great English skill.

動画編集や音楽制作を通して、稼げるクリエイターを世の中に増やす活動をしています。 「ちょっと支援してやるか」と思っていただいた方、その支援が僕や周りの方々の創作活動の励みになります🙇‍♂️ よろしくお願いします!