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【All Aboutの人気記事】最新情報

  • 1963年2月生まれ61歳の男性。現在16万~17万円の月給がありますが、不安で62歳から年金を繰り上げ受給しようかと考えています
    【AI要約】年金の繰り上げ受給を考える61歳の男性に向けて、専門家がアドバイスを提供しています。老後の生活費に対する不安を軽減するため、年金制度の基本や注意点を解説。特に、年金制度の複雑さについて触れ、質問があればコメント欄への投稿を促しています。 【英語翻訳】An expert provides advice for a 61-year-old man considering early pension benefits. The discussion addresses concerns about living expenses in retirement and explains the fundamentals and cautions of the pension system. It particularly touches on the complexity of the pension system and encourages readers to post questions in the comments.

  • 27歳・年収400万円会社員女性「投資なんてしなきゃよかった」それでもNISAで積立投資を4年続けた結果は?
    【英語翻訳】A 27-year-old woman reflected on her 4 years of systematic investment using NISA. Initially feeling regret, she ultimately gained a deeper understanding of diverse asset management, sharing her experiences of both successes and failures, highlighting her changing attitude towards investing.

  • 月の年金14万6774円・資産3400万円「仕事をしていないことで、脳の老化が進むのが怖い」78歳女性の不安
    【英語翻訳】An 78-year-old woman, with a monthly pension of 146,774 yen and assets of 34 million yen, expresses concern about cognitive decline due to not working. She highlights the importance of income and savings during her working years for a secure retirement.

  • 2024年8月22日の運勢ランキング「おひつじ座~うお座」 マリィ・プリマヴェラの【毎日ひとこと占い】
    【英語翻訳】On August 22, 2024, fortunes are explained according to each zodiac sign. Popular fortune-teller Marii Primavera provides a concise overview of today's fortunes, offering insights and tips for each sign. Readers can check their zodiac's fortune and receive advice to enhance their day.

  • 66歳元派遣・契約社員男性・月の年金約11万円では「どんなに切り詰めても、働かないと生活できない」
    【英語翻訳】A 66-year-old former temp worker states that with a pension of about 110,000 yen per month, it is impossible to live without continuing to work, no matter how tightly he budgets. This case illustrates the importance of income and savings during active years for financial security in retirement.

  • 年金を月10万円もらえる人は、現役時代にどのぐらいの収入がある人ですか?【2024年】
    【英語翻訳】To receive a monthly pension of 100,000 yen, a certain level of income during one's working years is necessary. According to experts, old-age pensions fluctuate based on income, and it is crucial to have long-term savings and a stable income source to secure adequate pensions. Details on the pension system and necessary measures are explained.

  • 2024年8月19日~8月25日の運勢「おひつじ座~うお座」 章月綾乃の【大人のための星占い】
    【英語翻訳】The horoscope for the fourth week of August 2024 offers insights into the fortunes of each zodiac sign. It provides advice on love, work, and health based on the movements of the stars, highlighting significant days and themes. Consider how to spend this week through the lens of your zodiac sign.

  • 65歳女性「預貯金200万円では不安。夫のギャンブル癖をどうすれば」それでも老後生活を悲観しない理由
    【英語翻訳】A 65-year-old woman feels anxious about her savings of 2 million yen for retirement. Her husband's gambling habit complicates financial management. However, she is not entirely pessimistic and is exploring ways to maintain a joyful life.

  • 52歳会社員、貯金4950万円。58歳で退職し、大学へ行き「学び直し」がしたい
    【英語翻訳】A 52-year-old company employee wishes to retire early at 58 and enroll in university for further studies. He has savings of 49.5 million yen, but he is concerned about income after retirement and the costs of his children's education. A financial planner will provide advice.

  • 現在、給与所得を得ながら特別支給の老齢厚生年金を受給中。この年金は65歳になるともらえなくなるのですか?
    【英語翻訳】The special old-age employee pension generally stops when you turn 65. However, it may vary depending on the pension system you're enrolled in and your individual circumstances, so it's important to check with experts or the pension office for details.

  • 2024年8月19日~8月25日の運勢「ふたご座(双子座)」 章月綾乃の【大人のための星占い】
    【英語翻訳】During the period from August 19 to August 25, 2024, Gemini will experience opportunities for new encounters and communication. By maintaining flexible thinking and valuing harmony with those around you, you will attract good fortune.

  • 月の年金8万円・預貯金150万円「豊かな資産がなくても、食べたい野菜を作る今が好き」79歳女性の幸せな老後
    【英語翻訳】A 79-year-old woman lives on a pension of 80,000 yen per month and has 1.5 million yen in savings. Despite her concerns about old age, she finds satisfaction in growing her favorite vegetables, illustrating that a fulfilling life can be enjoyed even without considerable wealth.

  • 夫婦でも言ってはいけない“一瞬で関係を壊す”禁句4選! 相手の悪口以上にNGな言葉とは?
    【英語翻訳】In a marriage, there are words that should not be said, as the saying goes, "Even among close friends, etiquette matters." Particularly, words that deny a partner's character or bring up past traumas can seriously damage the relationship. Avoiding words that undermine trust can help build a healthier relationship.
