海外でのお役立ち英会話 〜空港編〜




以下は、海外旅行中の空港でのシーンを英語で再現する例。このシーンでは、あなた(T:Traveler)、入国審査官(I:Immigration Officer)、荷物受け取りの担当者(B:Baggage Handler)、空港の案内係(A:Airport Attendant)との会話

シーン: 空港での入国手続きとアドバイスを求める

T: (到着ゲートで) Excuse me, where can I find the immigration checkpoint?

A: It's right this way. Follow the signs to "Immigration" and you'll get there.


I: Good day. May I see your passport and immigration form, please?

T: Of course, here they are.


T: (荷物受け取りエリアで) Hi there, I was wondering where I can collect my baggage?

B: Your baggage claim area is just ahead. Look for the carousel with your flight number displayed above it.


T: (乗り換えの案内係に声をかけながら) Excuse me, I have a connecting flight, and I'm a bit lost. Can you help me find the right gate?

A: Of course, I can help you with that. Can I see your boarding pass? Your connecting flight gate is C12. Follow the signs to Terminal C, and you'll be there in no time.


T: (出発ゲート近くで) Before I board my flight, could you recommend a good place to buy some local souvenirs or maybe grab a quick bite to eat?

A: Certainly! There's a duty-free shop just down the hall, and you'll find a variety of souvenirs there. If you're hungry, we have a great café right across from gate C12, where you can enjoy some local snacks.

T: Thank you for the information. I'll check those out before my flight.

A: You're welcome. Have a safe and pleasant journey!



J: 入国審査はどこですか?
E: Where is the immigration checkpoint?

J: パスポートと入国書類を見せる必要がありますか?
E: Do I need to show my passport and immigration form?

J: 荷物を受け取る場所はどこですか?
E: Where can I collect my baggage?

J: 乗り換えゲートはどこにありますか?
E: Where is the connecting flight gate?

J: 飛行機を逃さないように、ゲートまでの案内をしていただけますか?
E: Can you guide me to the gate to make sure I don't miss my flight?

J: 時間がありますか?
E: Do I have enough time?

J: 航空会社のカウンターはどこですか?
E: Where is the airline counter?

J: フライト遅延の情報はどこで確認できますか?
E: Where can I check for flight delay information?

J: 今日の飛行機のスケジュールはどうなっていますか?
E: What's the schedule for flights today?

J: トイレはどこですか?
E: Where are the restrooms?

J: 空港内で無料Wi-Fiが使えますか?
E: Is there free Wi-Fi available at the airport?

J: タクシースタンドはどこにありますか?
E: Where is the taxi stand?

J: レストランやカフェはどこにありますか?
E: Where can I find restaurants or cafes?

J: ショッピングエリアはどこですか?
E: Where is the shopping area?

J: 荷物の重量制限は何キロですか?
E: What is the baggage weight limit?

J: ゲートの開始時刻は何時ですか?
E: What time does the boarding at the gate start?

J: ラウンジへのアクセスはどうすればいいですか?
E: How can I access the lounge?

J: 出発ゲートがどこか教えていただけますか?
E: Can you tell me where the departure gate is?

J: トラブルがあった場合、どこで助けを求めればいいですか?
E: Where should I seek help if I encounter any issues?

J: 空港内のお土産店でおすすめは何ですか?
E: What do you recommend at the airport's souvenir shops?



あなた(T:Traveler)はホテルのフロントデスクに立っています。フロントデスクのスタッフ(H:Hotel Staff)が対応しています。

T: Good evening. I'm staying in room 208, and I was wondering if there are any good restaurants nearby for dinner?

H: Good evening, sir. Certainly, we have a few excellent options within walking distance. There's a Italian restaurant just around the corner, or if you prefer seafood, there's a popular seafood grill about a 10-minute walk from here.

T: Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check those out. By the way, do you offer any room service?

H: Yes, we do. You can find the room service menu in your room. Just give us a call, and we'll be happy to assist you.

T: Great, that's good to know. I appreciate your help.

H: You're welcome. Enjoy your evening!



T: Hi there, I'm a tourist in town and was wondering if you could recommend some must-see attractions in the area?

G: Hi! Welcome to our city. Sure, there are several must-see places. You should definitely visit the historic museum, the local art gallery, and the beautiful botanical garden nearby.

T: Those sound interesting. How do I get to the museum from here?

G: It's easy. Just walk straight down this street for about 5 blocks, and you'll see it on your left. You can't miss it.

T: Thank you. Is there a tourist pass or card that offers discounts for these attractions?

G: Yes, there is! We have a city pass that provides discounts for multiple attractions. You can purchase it right here at the counter.

T: That's great! I'll get one of those. Thanks for your help.

G: You're welcome. Enjoy your time exploring the city!
