




Charter of the United Nations、Chapter XV — The Secretariat Article 99
“The Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.”




①   停戦を巡る表現として、「即時停戦」を両陣営の合意に基づく戦闘の停止と定義。アラブ諸国などは戦闘の「一時休止」ではガザ地区の民間人被害は減らないとし、即時停戦を求めるが、これに対してイスラエル側はハマスへの降伏を意味するとして反対。米国国連ウッド次席大使は、「残念ながら、我々の勧告はほとんどすべて無視された」、「この性急なプロセスの結果、現実からかけ離れたバランスのかけた決議案が提出された」。特に、決議案が「無条件停戦」を求めている点が最も非現実的だと指摘。「これではハマスが自らを立て直し、10/7と同じことを繰り返すようになる」と。(米国の国連大使はトーマスグリーンフィールド氏)
②   停戦になれば戦闘員を休ませ、再武装する時間をハマスに与えることになり、ハマスに有利となる。次席大使は「我々は即時停戦を求める声には賛同しない。それは「次の戦争の種をまく」だけで、「持続不可能な停戦」を支持できないため。
③   ハマスの10/7イスラエル襲撃について、米国が求めるハマスへの非難とイスラエルの自衛権に関する文言が盛り込まれていないため。

カタルで開催された「ドーハ・フォーラム」で講演したグテレス事務総長は、安保理のガザ紛争に対する「resounding silence」な姿勢を強く批判しました。
安保事の沈黙は「resounding silence」、つまり、ガザでの出来事に対して安保理が何も発言や行動を起こさず、それが大きな影響を与えている状況を表しています。




①     ガザ戦争により、UAEとイスラエルの「戦略的」パートナーシップが狂う恐れがある。このパートナーシップがあることで、米国との政治的、経済的な結びつきを維持し、またそれによってUAEの技術力、軍事力の進歩を強化することができるため。
②     この戦争により、武装組織ハマスだけでなく他のイスラム主義「抵抗」グループ復活の恐れがある。
③     この戦争により、世界的なリーダーシップの地位を追い求めているUAEにとって実害を被る恐れがある。MBZをはじめ首長国指導者らは、UAEの長期的な地域そして国際戦略にとってその地位は不可欠だと考えているため。

UN chief appeals for humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Sunday called for a humanitarian cease-fire in the Gaza Strip amid Israeli bombardment of the Palestinian territory, Anadolu Agency reports.
Speaking at the Doha Forum held in Qatar, Guterres criticised the UN Security Council’s “resounding silence” over the Gaza conflict.
“The horrific attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7, followed by the relentless Israeli bombardment of Gaza were met by a resounding silence from the Council. After more than one month, the Council finally passed the resolution, which I welcome,” he said.
“The delay comes at a cost, the Council’s authority and credibility were severely undermined and the resolution is not being implemented,” he added.
Guterres underlined that “there is no effective protection of civilians in Gaza.”
“The number of civilian casualties in Gaza in such a short period is totally unprecedented,” he said, noting that “the health care system is collapsing.”
The UN chief expected “public order to completely break down soon and then even a worse situation could unfold, including epidemic diseases and increased pressure for mass displacement into Egypt.”
Guterres called on the UN Security Council “to press to avert the humanitarian catastrophe.”
He also reiterated his “appeal for a humanitarian cease-fire to be declared.”
“Regrettably, the Security Council failed to do it but that does not make it less necessary, so I can promise I will not give up,” he added.
The US vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution on Friday that demanded an immediate cease-fire to halt the ongoing bloodshed in the Gaza Strip as the death toll continues to mount.
Israel resumed its military offensive on the Gaza Strip on Dec. 1 after the end of a week-long humanitarian pause with Hamas.
At least 17,700 Palestinians have been killed and more than 48,780 others injured in relentless air and ground attacks on the enclave since Oct. 7 following the cross-border attack by Hamas.
The Israeli death toll in the Hamas attack stood at 1,200, according to official figures.

【BBC:UN warns half of Gazans starving, as Israeli hostage confirmed dead】

Israel-Hamas war: Ceasefire in Gaza chances shrinking, Qatar says

Israeli forces have focused on the city of Khan Younis in the south of Gaza
Israel's bombardment of Gaza is "narrowing the window" for a new truce, the Qatari prime minister has said.
Speaking at the Doha Forum, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani said Qatar would continue its efforts to pressure both sides into a ceasefire.
The Gulf state played a key role negotiating the week-long pause in violence at the end of November, which allowed the release of hostages.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday "the war is in full swing".
He said in recent days "dozens of Hamas terrorists" had surrendered, and were "laying down their weapons and handing themselves over to our heroic fighters".
"This is the beginning of the end for Hamas," he said.
The comments come as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to worsen.
On Sunday afternoon, the Hamas-run health agency in Gaza said almost 18,000 Palestinians had now been killed.
In an audio message to Al Jazeera, Hamas's armed wing said the temporary ceasefire had "proved its credibility" and that no more hostages would be freed until Israel engaged in talks.
In the message, spokesman Abu Ubaida also said Hamas fighters had fully or partially destroyed 180 military vehicles and killed "a large number" of Israeli soldiers, and that it is still inflicting blows on Israel, and "what is coming is greater".
At the conference in Doha, Philippe Lazzarini, the head of UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, said the area had become "hell on earth" and was "definitely the worst situation I have ever seen".
Also speaking at the conference, Palestinian PM Mohammad Shtayyeh said Israel "should not be allowed to keep violating international humanitarian law", and called for international sanctions.
Mr Shtayyeh represents the Palestinian Authority, the organisation which operates in the West Bank and which is separate to the Hamas government operating in Gaza.
As the meeting took place in Doha, in the south of Gaza fighting continued to rage.
The city of Khan Younis, the place people were told to head to to escape the fighting in the north, is now under heavy bombardments - with Israel asking civilians to leave its centre.
Speaking to BBC News, senior Israeli adviser Mark Regev said there was going to be "difficult fighting" in Khan Younis, and urged civilians to "move to safe zones" - with Israeli tanks reaching the centre of the city on Sunday evening.
Civilians in the city have been pictured collecting bodies and mourning family members killed in fighting.
Addressing his cabinet on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said international allies had been inconsistent
When asked about the situation in what Israel calls safe areas, Mr Regev said his country has made a maximum effort to try to safeguard civilian lives.
Civilians in Gaza have formerly been advised to make their way to a "safe zone" at al-Mawasi. Measuring just 8.5 sq km (3.3 sq miles), the area is smaller than London's Heathrow Airport, has few buildings and largely consists of sandy dunes and agricultural land.
l  Gaza 'safe zone' for millions smaller than Heathrow
l  Video of Gaza detainees allegedly 'surrendering guns' - what we know
Meanwhile, Israel has also been engaging in international diplomacy - calling out its allies for an inconsistent approach.
"You cannot on the one hand support the elimination of Hamas and on other pressure us to end the war, which would prevent the elimination of Hamas," said Mr Netanyahu while briefing his cabinet.
He was speaking two days after 13 members of the UN Security Council supported a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, with the US vetoing the move and the UK abstaining.
Israel also denied a claim by UNRWA chief Mr Lazzarini that it was trying to force Gazans out of the region and into Egypt - something previously reported in Israeli media.
The World Health Organization has also taken the unusual step of passing a resolution calling for immediate medical access to Gaza, with its director-general earlier calling the situation in the area "catastrophic".
