Maturity as I see it

Countless people tried to define maturity and what does it really means. I read several articles about it, but I wasn't satisfied. I spent a great deal thinking about the matter. I came to this conclusion.

I strongly believe that it is all about being aware of yourself. I know it's too vague as an answer. I'll try my best to explain it to you.

You see, when we were little we are not really aware of ourselves. What made us do things. Our why's, how's, and what's are all innocent. We do exist but we're incomplete.

Then there will be a magical day --as I call it --where you'll become aware of what you're doing, and how it will affect everyone. You become careful as to protect your relationship with others. You become either silent or loud concerning your thoughts. You become aware of how life works and how to harmonize with people. 

Maturity is not a level; it is a situation, a stage where you either stay on it or fall. 
