
Pillow Spray will aid in your quest for good sleep

Hello everybody, are you all getting good sleep?

Sleep is essential to recover the fatigue from work and school. If we have to sleep anyways might as well get a better quality of sleep right? There are so many benefits to getting a good sleep. For you who desire a better habit, Today I will showcase the perfect assistant「Pillow Spray」that helps to provide quality sleep.


- What is a Pillow Spray?

It is an aroma spray that can embed plant driven natural and organic floral scents to bed equipment and furniture when sprayed. Ethanol derived from the sugarcane is infused in the aroma spray so you can comfortably deodorize and apply bacterio-static effect on your pillow.  

- Why its popular


Scent has the power to change and influence people`s mood. Aroma diffuser that can change the rooms scent takes some effort to use. However, Pillow spray only take one push to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Therefore it's particularly popular for house wives and busy people. Another reason why pillow spray is popular is because of it's small and compact size that makes it easy to carry around to your destination.

- How to use

When waking up or before sleeping, spray the aroma 3~5 times on your bedding equipment. Another way to use the aroma spray is to spray on handkerchiefand so you can bring around the floral scent everywhere you go. Alternatively the pillow spray can be used as a mask spray or as a deodorizing spray for car interiors.

~Recommended for you who~

There are so many choice for fragrances and it's combinations you may be overwhelmed by the various choices and can't decide. For those of you that needs some guidance, I will list up the scents that will be perfect match for the mood and feeling you desire! Please choose based on your preferences of scent and it's effects.


- For you who love fresh and invigorating scent
Hakka (Japanese Peppermint), tee tree, lemon grass, rosemary, and citrus scents such as lemon, grapefruit, orange help stimulate refreshing feeling. When feeling itchy or uneasy use these refreshing scent pillow spray to feel relieved. 


-  For you who desire to be engulfed in nature
Strong natures base note such as Aomori Hiba, Kuromoji, and Sandalwood, provides deep comfort and relaxation. When applying before bed, it will help you fall a sleep deeply raising the quality of your sleep. Additionally, it has healing qualities so using it when tired will help mitigate stress and fatigue.


- For you who love the feminine gorgeous floral scent
Floral scent such as Rose and geranium will visualize a attractive woman in the mind of those who smell the floral scent. Spraying these scent will let soft and gorgeous scent surround you or the pillow. Which will boost your elegance instantly. Additionally, scent of the rose encourages skin regeneration and said to have skin beautification effects.


- For you who want to feel relaxed
Lavender, Jasmine, and Bergamot have properties that soothes your mind and relieves anxiety and tension. These scents eases peoples feelings and balances their emotions helping you in daily situations. You can also relax and improve your concentration by using it between work and study. It is a scent that I like to recommend to  people who work hard every day. 

- Favorite recommendation
The product I will recommend this time is Oyasumi Aroma Mist from L'essntial du JAPON! Oyasumi means good night/sleep in Japanese. they have a Wide variety of scents available from about 30 unique fragrances. Out of the selection I particularly love and recommend the scent of Hakka the Japanese Peppermint and Lavender


Are you one of many people who are having troubles falling asleep lately due to hot temperature? Hakka decreases apparent temperature and allows for comfortable sleep. I'm actually one of the people who felt stuffed from this summer humidity and temperature and couldn't fall asleep easily. Yet through the fresh and cooling scent of Hakka I was able to fall in a deep slumber.


When you feel very tired and want to chill out taking a good rest, using lavender pillow spray is perfect! Lavender scent is a nice soft scent that putts you in a relaxed mood. This mist's fragrance isn't very strong like a perfume so it is easy to pick up and use daily. When you sleep surrounded by the floral scent, waking up feels way better! 

It is also huge plus that the pillow sprays are set at an affordable price so you can select and use different scents that suits your feeling of the day. Find your favorite scent and let's aim for comfortable deep sleep.

~Hope everyone can get quality sleep with the pillow spray!~

If you are interested click on the link below☟