


2年ほど前、アメリカのギフテッド界(のソーシャル・エモーショナル分野)の大御所である心理学者(故)Dr. James Webb が Great Potential Press(& 著書 A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children 内)でリストアップされていた “ギフテッドの子達の一般的な特徴” を訳す機会に恵まれました。以下に記します。


Common Characteristics of Gifted Children / ギフテッドの一般的な特徴


- Unusual alertness as early as infancy

- Rapid learner; able to put thought together quickly

- Retains much information: very good memory

- Unusually large vocabulary and complex sentence structure for age

- Advanced comprehension of word nuances, metaphors, and abstract ideas

- Enjoys solving problems that involve numbers and puzzles

- Largely self-taught reading and writing skills as a preschooler

- Unusual emotional depth; intense feelings and reactions; highly sensitive

- Thinking is abstract, complex, logical, and insightful

- Idealism and sense of justice appear at an early age

- Concern with social and political issues and injustices

- Longer attention span, persistence, and intense concentration

- Preoccupied with own thoughts; daydreaming

- Impatient with self or others’ inabilities or slowness

- Ability to learn basic skills more quickly and with less practice

- Asks probing questions; goes beyond what is being taught

- Wide range of interests (though sometimes extreme interest in only one area)

- Highly developed curiosity; limitless questions

- Interest in experimenting and doing things differently

- Tendency to put ideas or things together in ways that are unusual or not obvious (divergent thinking)

- Keen and sometimes unusual sense of humor, particularly with puns

- Desire to organize things and people through complex games or other schemas

- Imaginary playmates (preschool age children); vivid imagination

Webb, J. T., Gore, J. L., Amend, E. R., DeVries, A. R., (2007). A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children. Tucson, AZ: Upper Saddle River, NJ: Great Potential Press. ISBN 13: 9780910707527
