
The Genesis of Ostomy-friendly Toilets in Japan ~ 日本産!オストメイトトイレの話

This article is written bilingually, in English and Japanese. You might find it a bit bumpy to read on, but I wish to deliver this to as many people, with and without stoma bags, as I can. Thanks in advance for bearing with me. 

この文章は英語と日本語の2か国語で書かれています。読まない文字があると目が忙しいですが... 海外の方にも日本の方にもお届けしたい日本のオストメイト事情なのでご容赦ください。

Happy Ostomy Awareness Day & Stoma Aware Day, everyone! ~10月5日はオストメイト啓発デー

To celebrate the day, I put together a little history of the humble ostomy toilet, the dream-come-true restroom facility for us people with ostomy in Japan.

Yes, a stoma-friendly toilet really was invented in Japan.

Please note: Dear Reader, the situation for people with ostomy anywhere in the world is far from perfect, not least in my home country. But there are positives and chances to be inspired by the scene here in Japan, so on this special day for ostomates globally, I’d like to share something local, from Japan, with love.
私たちオストメイト(人工肛門・人工膀胱保有者)の日々には向かい風も多く、理想的とは言えませんが… 日本のオストメイト事情が世界の誰かに前向きなきっかけをお届けできたら、と願いシェアします。

A not-so-long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… ~すこし昔あるところに

According to ”50 Years of History: Japan Ostomy Association”:


In 1998, (the Japan Ostomy Association) Chiba Chapter requested the installation of an ostomate-accessible toilet in the Narashino City Hall, and the request was granted.

”50 Years of History: Japan Ostomy Association” P.46
English translation by Yuri Nakajima

TOTO gracefully responded to this plea with CareClick, a urinal cleaning faucet. It was a conventional toilet bowl with a faucet to clean urinals and ostomy bags.

The first "Ostomy-friendly" restroom with a faucet ~蛇口と背もたれつき「オストメイトトイレ」

We see these ostomy-friendly restrooms at major train stations and shopping malls in Japan.


Fortunately, I have never run into a situation where I had to rinse my stoma bag fully clothed.

Since that faucet doesn't seem to fit for rinsing ostomy bags, I wonder how it is meant to be utilized. 

I think this is more for rinsing off the stains due to unexpected leaks. 

Ostomy bags usually never leak, but knowing that there are facilities we can run to for urgent situations helps us immensely to feel safe and confident when out and about.

How the faucet turned to the sink. ~蛇口つきからシンク型へ

That idea of "a toilet bowl with a faucet" had always been a mystery for me, then I found another piece of information on "50 Years of History", and I quote:


However, the installation of a dedicated facility for ostomates to the existing accessible toilets was difficult to coordinate due to strong opposition from other Organizations of People with Disabilities, and a compromise had to be made to install a faucet on the toilet bowl for cleaning stoma bags.

”50 Years of History: Japan Ostomy Association” P.47
English translation by Yuri Nakajima



With the coordination of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, we worked on increasing the awareness of ostomate-compatible toilets and were able to proceed with installing a waste sink in the disabled restrooms.

”50 Years of History: Japan Ostomy Association” P.47
English translation by Yuri Nakajima

The "Ostomate-conscious Public Restroom Plan" was launched by TOTO in 1999. The sink, ideal for emptying ostomy bags without lunging, bending, or contouring ourselves was born.

How a Stoma-friendly Toilet Works ~意外と知らない、オストメイトトイレのしくみ

Every now and then people in the English-speaking ostomy community post pictures of Ostomy-friendly restrooms at Narita Airport, so you might have seen one like that.

People without ostomy bags don't get to see the inside of a Stoma-friendly toilet, so let me walk you through it.

The Ideal Ostomate Toilet (that's how we call it in Japanese) accommodates;
- A waist-high sink (to empty the bags when standing)
- Flush Button/ Lever/ handle 
- Temperature-controlled faucet 
- Mirror (to check yourself when you have to change bags on the spot)
- Shelf (to lay out all our stuff)

ー「流す」ボタン/ レバー/ ハンドル

They can look fancy like this,


Some have height-adjustable sinks (with a button there).


And last but not least, here's a portable ostomy toilet made out of corrugated plastic sheets for emergencies.


From a girl with ostomy to anyone with invisible struggles all over the world ~オストメイトから、見えない悩みを抱える誰かへ

There really are people who care deeply about us. By "us" I don't mean only people with ostomy, but anyone with any form of physical or mental struggle.

It doesn't matter whether your issue is diagnosed or not. When you feel so different and isolated, I hope you know you really can find someone else with a battle similar to yours, somewhere on Earth.

It might take time. You might get hurt a bit along the way. You might encounter people with similar struggles but very different values of yours. You might have to pause the search when things get too much.

But there are people willing to create a genius sink-solution for us, and then keep on working until it is installed throughout Japan, our tiny islands in the Far East.

I was saved post-op, by English-speaking ostomy communities all over the world. And I only hope this little nugget of information can warm up the heart of someone struggling with their own issues.

Happy Ostomy Awareness Day, and Stoma Aware Day, everyone. I hope all is well with you. Truly. 
