Malaysia 留学 第五周

reading a newspaper, cleaning my house, managing money, cooking, studying, etc.
There are so many things I didn't know. I'm glad that I can learn about Southeast Asian countries here.

raining! heavy rain! strong winds!

Usually, I go to the uni by bus, but today, I got on a bus. Naturally, it was crowded. BTW, here, we have to touch the bus cards both when getting in and off a bus. to prevent free ride, maybe. I always nearly forget it.
Although the rain was heavy, I arrived at the uni without any problem. But, while I was studying in the library, other studens said that was flooding.
The places where I was today were completely safe. (the campus is so large!) In the afternoon, the rain stopped, so I came back home safely.

The bus was stopped so the class was canceled and will be held online on Friday. So I went to the cafeteria with several students who came to the classroom without knowing it and enjoyed talking.
Dance class
I practiced dancing. Through the dance, I also learned the culture, history, and the meaning of the dance.

go home
received a pamphlet of a students organization. interesting to read it and to think about the difference between them and my home uni.

OREO: a bit different taste!??

foreign policy of china
interesting discussion

Preparation for the group presentation
We went to the library and had a discussion. decided the structure of the presentation and
All of the other members are from China. interesting to learn their perspective.
Going back home, reading a newspaper, studying, and phone call
For a reason, I had to give a call(not to a friend). She told me to wait for 5 minutes because she was busy. After waiting 5 minutes, she didn't call me back. After 30 minutes, finally, I called her again. Then she started talking without apologies. I think I'm used to this after coming here, but I was still surprised.

AM: washing clothes, reading the newspaper, studying
lunch: at a cafeteria, I tried a white creamy dish. It was so sweat. Why foods here are so spicy or so sweat??

campus election
A campus election will be held next week. Local students will vote. I found that the pamphlet I received the other day related to this.
interesting. There are several parties and candidates!
During the class, several candidates came to announce their manifesto. They mentioned improving campus facilities, introducing an effective green cafe(脱プラゴミ), issues of bullying and mental health, women's rights and empowerment on the campus, and so on.
According to the professor, it is allowed to announce a manifesto during class in the uni. She also said to the international students that it is a democracy in the uni, and universities around the world have this system, so we can compare the system of this uni and ours. Japanese uni don't have it!

dewali is coming

rescheduled class that was canceled due to the rain


Mid valley to buy foods


event by UOB(card campany?)

played games and got icecream for free without any advertisement lol



go to kl sentral to buy a desk

ethnic clothes




food bazar with buddy group

satay. It was sweet! interesting rice

night market
so many shops!



paid my admission fee completely, and got these items!✨