
ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ:AIは人類を滅ぼすか?(4/5) - なぜAIが危険になりうるのか





ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ:ええ。それが何千年もの間、政治や宗教の秘密でした。そして現代ではそれがA Iの秘密になってきています。



レックス・フリードマン まず第一に、その可能性はあると思いますか?







Lex Fridman: Does this surprise you how well large language models work? I mean, has it modified your understanding of the nature of intelligence?

Yuval Noah Harari: Yes, I mean, you know, I've been writing about AI for, I know, like eight years now and engaged with all these predictions and speculations, and when it actually came, it was much faster and more powerful than I thought it would be. I didn't think that we would have in 2023 an AI that can hold a conversation that you can't know if it's a human being or an AI, that can write beautiful texts. I mean, I read the texts written by AI, and the thing that strikes me most is the coherence. You know, people think, "Oh, it's nothing. It just takes ideas from here and there, words for me and put it”. No, it's so coherent. I mean, you read not sentences, you read paragraphs, you read entire texts, and there is logic, there is the structure.

Lex Friedman: Yes, not only coherent it's convincing. And the beautiful thing about it that has to do with your work, it doesn't have to be true. It gets facts wrong, but it's still convincing. And it is both scary and beautiful that our brains love language so much that we don't need the facts to be correct. We just need it to be a beautiful story.

Yuval Noah Harari: Yeah. And that's been the secret of politics and religion for thousands of years, and now it's coming with AI.

Lex Fridman: So you, as a person who has written some of the most impactful words ever written in your books, how does that make you feel that you might be one of the last effective human writers?

Yuval Noah Harari: That's a good question.

Lex Fridman: First of all, do you think that's possible?

Yuval Noah Harari: I think it is possible. I've seen a lot of examples of AI being told, "Write like Yuval Harari," and what it produces.

Lex Fridman: Has it ever done better than you think you could have written yourself?

Yuval Noah Harari: I mean, on the level of content of ideas, no. There are things I say I would never say that. But when it comes to the coherence and the quality of writing is such that I say it's unbelievable how good it is. And who knows, in 10 years, in 20 years, maybe it can do better even on the level of content.

Lex Fridman: So that people would be able to do, like, a style transfer to, in the style of Yuval Noah Harari write anything like “why I should have ice cream tonight?” and make it convincing.

Yuval Noah Harari: I don't know if I have anything convincing to say about this.

Lex Fridman: I think you'd be surprised. There could be an evolutionary biology explanation for why ice cream is good for you. Yeah, so I mean, that changes the nature of writing.
