
ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ:AIは人類を滅ぼすか?(3/5) - なぜAIが危険になりうるのか




Lex Fridman: So, if there's a set of AI systems that are operating in the space of ideas, they're far superior to ours and we're almost not able to, it's opaque to us, we're not able to see through, how does that change the pursuit of happiness? The human pursuit of happiness, life, where do we get joy if we're surrounded by AI systems that are doing most of the cool things humans do, much better than us?

Yuval Noah Harari: Some of the things, it's okay that the AIs would do them. Many human tasks and jobs, you know, it’s the drudgery, they are not fun, they are not developing us emotionally or spiritually. It's fine if the robots take over. I don't know, I think about the people in supermarkets or grocery stores that spend hours every day just passing items and then charging you the money. I mean, if this can be automated, wonderful. We need to make sure that these people then have better jobs, better means of supporting themselves and developing their social abilities, their spiritual abilities. And that's the ideal world that AI can create, that it takes away from us the things that, it's better if we don't do them and allows us to focus on the most important things and the deepest aspects of our nature, of our potential. If we give AI control of the sphere of ideas at this stage, I think it's very, very dangerous because it doesn't understand us. And AI at present is mostly digesting the products of human culture, everything we've produced over thousands of years. It eats all of these cultural products, digests it, and starts producing its own new stuff. But we still haven't figured out ourselves, our bodies, our brains, our minds, our psychology. So, an AI based on our flawed understanding of ourselves is a very dangerous thing. I think that we need first of all to keep developing ourselves. If for every dollar and every minute that we spend on developing AI, artificial intelligence, we spend another dollar and another minute in developing human consciousness, the human mind will be okay. The danger is that we spend all our effort on developing an AI at the time that we don't understand ourselves and then letting the AI take over. That's a road to a human catastrophe.
