


Yes, this suggestion is supportable.
One reason makes this opinion acceptable.

Our city in Hiroshima has several kinds of professional sports organizations : volleyball, basketball, football, baseball and so on.
Most of the citizens are delighted or excited when our favorite team win, on the other hand, we feel ashamed or disappointed when they lose or draw.

Hiroshima Carp has the largest number of supporters of the four organizations, which started from the remains after the war and has a long history.
There is a heartwarming story that numerous citizens donated what little money they had in order to rescue their favorite team from its economic critical situation.

Hiroshima Carp has won nine championships in the Central League since 1975, when it was the first time for them to become a victorious team.
They became a champion team three years in a row several years ago, when the phrase “Carp Girls” was in fashion, which made positive contributions to their popularity and Hiroshima citizens’ excitement.

Our favorite team have been in the leading position in recent days, which fails to make their supporters irritated or disappointed.
Their strength is that field players can prevent their rival team from getting scores including a pitcher, and don’t lose the seesaw match.
A exhausted player cannot be allowed to join the match continuously, which makes us safely say that a considerate management of players functions well.

No leaders accuse their players of their intentionless mistakes, which never fail to enable them to perform well in the next match.
In short, such an attitude toward a subordinate must be far from a power harassment, which could be a positive standard a supervisor should have in his or her mind.

This reason makes the question titled above favorable.
