


No, this suggestion isn’t acceptable.
This reason makes this opinion unsupportable.

People in Japan were forced to learn English by General Head Quarter while America treated Japan as a colonial nation after the World War Second.
About 80 years have passed since Japan was defeated by America in 1945, but almost all people in Japan lead a common life without any opportunities to use English.

Linguistically, there are numerous differences between English and Japanese, especially pronunciations.
In the first place, we can dispense with English while we live in our society, which prevents us from possessing a motivation to master a foreign language.

But students cannot spend their 6 years without studying English from 12 to 18 years old because the language is an indispensable subject to graduate from their school.
A university student in Japan has a duty to learn the second foreign language in addition to English.

America introduced English into Japanese educational curriculum, which our government has taken advantage of, and schools teach their students English without knowing such a fact.
Whether students are good at English or poor at it does matter in Japan because those with good command of English can obtain various kinds of choices.

Students with poor grades at school cannot have any confidences about themselves while English isn’t only a special subject to determine their grade.
People without confidence cannot resist the compulsion from others, which must be controllers’ purpose.
In short, they can produce a worker easy to use.

Not a few assistant language teachers from overseas have been sent to our society because America tried to compensate for the loss of bilateral trade conflict.
Such a teacher has been paid a decent income by our government, which might be a little heavy burden.
This truth hasn’t been announced officially, however.

This description makes the question titled above unfavorable.
