


Yes, this suggestion is supportable.
This reason makes the opinion acceptable.

Burning fossil fuels is said to be one of the causes that too much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, which is called “global warming phenomenon,” a kind of climate change.
In order to overcome this critical situation, not a few experts have paid close attention to renewable energy sources, which includes sunlight, wind power, water power and so on.

Talking of solar power generation, making use of solar panels is widespread and popular because they can change sunlight into electricity directly.
Solar panels will be forced to be installed on new buildings constructed in Tokyo from now on, an article says.

Solar panel generation has several disadvantages : both initial expenses and maintenance ones take so much money, which a consumer finds it almost impossible to collect in a short while.
In addition, we frequently hear that not a few purchasers have been involved in a fraud case.

Solar power generation can be fulfilled without using solar panels, and there is actually a solar power plant where much vapor produced with sunlight’s heat spins turbines to generate a large amount of electricity in the desert in Africa, an article says.

A large amount of energy described above would cover most electricity consumed in several European nations in the near future, which has various advantages : a solar power plant there could generate much electricity during the night time when it takes advantage of sunlight’s heat stored during the daytime.

People in Africa could change ocean water into clean water by making use of electricity produced at the power plant, which a large number of farmers can use it as agricultural water to obtain abundant harvests.
Such a power plant has made positive contributions to the local economy in a profitable viewpoint in Africa.

This reason makes the question titled above favorable.
