


Yes, this suggestion is acceptable.
One reason makes the opinion supportable.

There was an opportunity to watch a shocking movie, the other day, where a staff at a home-visiting nursing care service office killed over 40 senior citizens.
This nonfictional story keenly struck me directly because old age approaches me, which forced me to consider the meaning of elderly people in our society.

This movie is produced based on the true account, a rumor says, which featured the criminal performed by Kenichi Matsuyama, a famous actor, as a main character.
The newsworthiness is that a criminal committed several murder cases despite the fact that he is originally in the position of protecting their life, who lacks any senses of morality, which we find it something incredible.

He installs a listening device at all the houses so that he could learn that many family members with troublesome aged person have serious affairs.
In short, his purpose is that he could rescue caregivers or young carers from their critical situation, which forced him to kill as many as 40 burdensome people.

He confessed his murder cases at a trial court, but few bereaved family members accused him of killing aged people, instead there might be a feeling of appreciation toward the murderer among them, which means that an elderly care must be an extreme burdensome work for a family members with them.

A knowledge website says that such a family member finds it almost impossible to cope with a troublesome aged father and has a wish that he should die or be killed, in addition, and she asks whether her feeling or emotion is crazy or strange.
The best answer is what she has in her mind should be extremely normal, not abnormal, which makes me think that this expression cannot be open to ordinary readers.

We never fail to encounter various kinds of problems or troubles even when we lead an usual or common life, several of which might make us be in the uncomfortable or crucial situation, when we find it necessary to have warm relationships with close friends, which seems ideal.
But the ideal fails to beat the reality.

This reason makes the question titled above favorable.
