


We cannot manage the organization filled with numerous members smoothly without any confusions, after all, what matters the most might be something monetary and something violent, which forces them to be obedient and reasonable without the right to speak, we assume.
In fact, they could but impose everything on themselves and could but feel responsible for something irrelevant to themselves, what is worse, they must absolutely criticize themselves for something unreasonable, as a result, they would be the right followers without any confidences.
No a few members who should have escaped from such disgusting and uncomfortable circumstances, however, to their sorrow, they were too late to run away, he says.

After wartime, China was under confusion because the struggles between the communism and the capitalism were something explosive, which prevented its economy from making steady and stable progresses, we assume.
The west Germany outweighed the east Germany in the economic perspectives because the latter nation should be controlled by the communists, where both workers and farmers were deprived their motivations, who failed to become productive and profitable, after all, their attitudes towards the communism spoiled their society.
Simultaneously, the principle cannot function well that almost all of employees are paid equally even if someone superior is even more productive than someone inferior.
However, the capitalism tend to generate the dramatical differences between someone wealthy and someone with poverty, which also could spoil our society, we assume.

Our society has had numerous organizations, where the supervisors manage to impose unreasonable inferiorities on the subordinates, which deprives them of motivations to protest someone unforgivable and unacceptable, after all, they would be forced to work as if they were slaves.
One of the most sensitive organizations might be black companies, where numerous employees fail to be treated as someone because they should be forced to overwork without any extra payments, which should compel them to lose their enough sleep time, an online article says.
Only when the supervisors treasure the subordinates, the organizations could run stably and smoothly, however, the former might lack something moral, everyone knows.
