


Yes, this suggestion is supportable.
This reason makes the opinion acceptable.

A news said that a few prefectures examined the quality of water supply because poisonous chemical substances were contained in tap water several days ago.
This explanation seemed frightening to those who cook with such water at home or at a restaurant.

There are various chemicals in water supply, which could eliminate several kinds of poisonous bacteria from it.
As a result, we didn’t doubt that we would fail to suffer from serious and critical diseases even when we take tap water into our body.
We actively drank such water to meet thirst, instead.

Cancer-related substances called “trihalomethane” are contained in such chemicals, which are generated when they kill germ with high concentration of chlorine.
But we can cope with “trihalomethane” easily at home.

It isn’t troublesome to do so, and we have only to boil tap water in a kettle for several minutes, which eliminates something poisonous completely.
Considering this, we shouldn’t hold water supply in the fridge without boiling it, instead we must avoid this.

The poisonous substances frequently broadcasted on TV  in recent days are demonstrated to cause us to suffer from challenging diseases because they deprive us of immune function, which might make us vulnerable to an infectious illness.

We cannot spend a day without drinking water because it is basic and indispensable substance to compose our physical body.
We recommend that you should purchase mineral water online when you want to avoid taking even a little poisonous chemicals into your body although it might be a little expensive.

This reason makes the question titled above favorable.
