


   Just because you become like them doesn't make you a bad guy...
   La la la la la…


   Is that so?


   It's not that you become an abominable being for doing so...
   Lu lu lu lu lu…


   Is that so?


   There's nothing I can do…
   It cannot be help…


   That is so…


   It's not that you are meant to be evil...

   It's just…


淡く 身辺で行き交う
あきつ秋津震えてる わらしべの空

背丈せたけほどあるいね かき分け 待ち合わせて

   A dim light went by and go around the two people
   As the dragonflies sways on a straw-filled sky

   The rice stalks that grew as tall as the two pushed their ways through
   And meet up at the place where the lovers are at

ゆらゆら 照れ笑うふたりなでる きんの散るは
ひゅうるり ひゅるり 風とかけっこさ

   Swaying away, while petting the two lover's embarrassed smiles
   The scattering golds are
   Blowing away, going away while riding on the wind

愛して 愛されて 明日見え隠れ

   The tomorrow that is loved and being in loved by all is slipping in and out!

からたちのとげ 指切り あをあを青々 両手でげんまん
お迎えにいくぞ ずっとまってる

   The thorns of trifoliate oranges joined pinkies together
   Conforming their promises with their blue hands
   When a beautiful flower blossoms,
   "I will return to you."
   "I will always wait for you."

愛して 愛されて 光見え隠れ

   The light that is loved and wants to be loved slips in and out of view

枯るるもの また 青むもの
日のしずけさを待ち 踊ってる

   The things that rots and the things that blooms
   are hopping about, waiting for the day of tranquility to come!


   As they think about the fruit of such thing…

そうだそうだ いいぞ

   I see, I see… That is good.

彼は本日もまた 精悍せいかん
あらあら ご立派ですよ 竹馬たけうま上手じょうず

   He is now a man of fearless determination
   Oh my, my. Isn't that such splendid thing, skillful stilt rider?

転ぶ余地よちなく 並べられて 将棋しょうぎだおし待つ

   Having nothing to fall down on,
   they lined up and wait for the day they fall down like dominoes
   For the sake of preserving the wisdom from the deceased!


   That tone…

ぐらぐら ふきだまる落葉らくよう越え すすめ すすめ
ひゅうるり ひゅるり ひとりかけっこさ

   Unsteadily, they marched over the gathering defoliations
   Continuously marching along!
   Sprinting forward, sprinting against the wind all by oneself!

「見てろよ! そう! 希望に満ちた明日のため!」

   "Look out now! Like that! It's for the tomorrow filled with hope!"

小脇こわき抱え 日差しまとい的射弾けて跳んで
炎天の上へ上へと継ぐ足場の上 這いつくばって

   Holding the gun they call "dreams" under their arms
   they shoot their arrows towards the sunshine and jump forward!
   Continuing higher towards the blazing sun
   Groveling towards the top of their foothold

勇猛勇敢へいたりし日々 ありの群れ
迷子の行く先 にわたずみ行潦
浮き沈み自在じざいさ ほら泳げ

   Their days as a brave and boldness soldiers are like swarms of ants
   Where they rained down onto the path of the lost child's future
   Like heavy runoffs, with their wills swimming up and down

風わたるたびに 音割れてうつ

   Every time they go across the winds, the hollow space breaks the sound up

素晴らしい腐り切ったこの世界で見つけた 素敵な思い出からたちの花

   Something that he has found in this beautifully rotten world are beautiful memories that blossomed from the trifoliate orange

同じ歩幅の合唱団「ららら るるるきれいなお花が咲くころ

   The chorus singing at the same pace "La La La~ Lu Lu Lu~"

そうさ いくぞ すぐに いくぞいくから

   That's so! Let us go! Right now! We shall go now!

たたら踏んで 先頭にたって!

さあ すすめ すすめ
陽炎を積み 残し行く背中に 笑顔悲鳴が突き刺さる

   Stepping on the smelting furnace, leading the pack forward!

   Now! Let us move! Let us proceed!
   Loading themselves with their mirage shimmer
   On the backs of the one they went to left behind,
   their smiling scream pierces through them

ゆびきり あかあか赤々 両手でげんまん

ららら「お迎えにいくさ」 るるる「ずっとまってる」

   The pinkie swears the two made are stained in red
   As he holds up his pinky fingers with two hands
   The dragonflies lining up sings out

   La la la~ Lu lu lu~!

からたちの刺 雲に突き刺さって
明日あすの言葉伝えてゆきぬ あわい 喧騒が埋めて

   The thorns of trifoliate oranges stabs the moving clouds
   As it told them the words of tomorrow,
   they sweep the chaos under the gaps between them

花びら五枚ごまい ゆびきりげんまん

   In the mist of an undying ringing in his ears
   The five sheets of flower petals are making pinkie promises
   While showing off a rotten grin
   Without anyone to accompany him, he lets out his last breath
   And collapses


   La la la la la


   There was a loud noise from afar
   There was a loud noise from nearby

いち に さん し ご

   One, two, three, four, five
   You made a pinkie promise
   I made a pinkie promise
   Everyone made a pinkie promise


   Is this how things are meant to be?
   I never meant it to be like this.
   Are you in the right?


   Was I right…?

そうだ おまえはただしい

   I see, so you are right all along…

だから すすむのだ

すすめ すすめ それ すすめ

   If that's so, that's one way of proceeding ahead…

   Let us move now.

   Please, let us proceed now.

   That thing, let's proceed towards there!
