いち に さん!
さあさ 皆さんご一緒に!
One, two, three!
Wow, it flew off!
It flew away like it bounced off!
Come on, everyone! Join in with me!
―さあさ 皆様ご一緒に―
―Now, everyone! Please gather around!―
「薄明に 混ざり在る 紺碧の手と~~~!」
Let us raise our deep blue hands and blend them with the twilight sky
And shake our hands!
愛撫する 愛撫する 彼らは愛撫する
Caressing it… Caressing it… They are all caressing the sky…
―In a giant public speaking hall―
「Every one of us lives in a universe!
Where the depths of this degenerate world's cracks are nothing! But countless screams of despair!
We must be deeply concerned about the endless black flames of disasters
Otherwise the catastrophe inside all of you will ripe open!」
「He is the coming of God! He's the coming of God!」
「嬋娟と舞う閃光の掻き消す 幸福よ!
星一つ尽き 星二つ尽き...」
「The vanishment of a glint gracefully dancing around is the sign of eternal bliss!
Using up all of our strengths for one star, using up all of our strengths for two stars…」
The humans vanishes in the color of the things they touched
―The Biggest Discovery of This Century―
「瑕瑾なき実 踏みます 嬲り 刺すと 熟れます」
燃えて しまえ
"I shall step on this shameless fruit!
Then I shall torment it by stabbing it, then let it ripe open!"
「Well, do it as you please!」
「Eh, might as well!」
Let it burn. Please…
或いは ほろほろと踊る猿であるがゆえに!を、を!おとろしや!」
「Every one of us are! The purpose of the universe!! The monkeys that screams in awn!!!
Or maybe, we are the monkeys prancing about, crumbling down between the cracks of the universe! O how dreadful our existence had become!」
母をかえせ 父をかえせ 私をかえせ
Bring my mother back! Bring my father back! Bring me back!
小鳥翔つ日々の呼吸に 伍し高き誇りの炙られる
人よ 気がついているか!
As we grasp our hands together,
The respirations of the days where small birds fly scorches their great straggling pride away
O poor humans! Do you care about this!?
When the dawn clouds scatters away, the birds will chirp like new year has come.
夜影は いつまでも 星をほほろぎ 在る
The nightly shadows will always appear, breaking the stars into little pieces.