A Long Journey of Light and Shadow: The Steep Path to Leadership

A Long Journey of Light and Shadow: The Steep Path to Leadership

Once, I felt like a quiet shadow, existing in solitude. Conversations with people seemed as distant and unreachable as stars far beyond. In my heart, I never doubted that the role of a leader was the exact opposite of who I was. To me, leadership was like an adventure in a distant galaxy, akin to the stories of Star Wars—an entirely different realm.

When I stepped into the new galaxy of employment, I still felt like a small planet in the vast universe. Each time I had to speak in front of people, my heart filled with the tension of a black hole, and words escaped me as if they were stars drifting away. I would find myself lost in the infinite space within me. Countless times, I stumbled over my words, experiencing embarrassment over and over again.

However, perhaps guided by the constellations of fate, I realized a significant truth while walking the path of leadership. Amid the sparkling skills and knowledge, the brightest light was that of humanity. Leadership isn't just a collection of techniques or strategies surpassing the stars; it's the glow of humanity that springs from the depths of the heart, a light that leads us leaders to success.

What I've learned on this journey is that the essence of leadership isn't about leading others but finding the inner light within oneself and sharing it with the people around. Even when my words falter and I lose my way, the light of my humanity can illuminate the darkness, creating deep connections with others.

I once believed that I could never become a leader, but now I understand. Leadership is not about steering the helm of a spaceship but believing in the infinite possibilities within one's heart and using that light to illuminate both oneself and the world around us.

Now, I continue my journey in this universe, shining my light. If that light can illuminate the path for others, even if it's just a small step, I believe that is the true essence of leadership. By releasing the light hidden within each of us, the universe becomes a brighter, warmer place.

In conclusion, the journey of leadership is an adventure beyond distant galaxies. It's not an exploration of the external world but a deep dive into our inner selves. On this journey, we discover our true strength and the ability to shine our light.

