バークシャー・ハザウェイ年次総会2021:ハイライトとストーリーライン (6) SPACについて

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2021: Highlights and storylines (6)

3:20 p.m. ET: Buffett says of SPACs are similar to a 'gambling-type market'

Buffett received a question around special purpose acquisition companies, or blank-check companies, which have become a hugely popular means for firms to go public over the past year.

"The SPACs generally have to spend their money in two years, as I understand it. If you have to buy a business in two years, you put a gun to my head and said you've got to buy a business in two years, I'd buy one but it wouldn't be much of one," Buffett.

"If you're running money from somebody else and you get a fee and you get the upside and you don't have the downside, you're going to buy something," he added. "And frankly we're not competitive with that."

"It's an exaggerated version of what we've seen in kind of a gambling-type market," he added.

3:20 p.m.(米国東部時間): SPACは『ギャンブル型市場』に似ている、とバフェット氏





SPAC(Special Purpose Acquisition Company)特別買収目的会社 
gambling  (名) 賭博、ばくち、ギャンブル
gamble (自動) ばくち(投機)をする、(他動) (~を)賭ける
blank-check 白紙小切手、自由裁量腱
exaggerated (形) 大げさな、こちょうされた、誇大な igzǽdʒərèitəd
