#11_「茶のこころ」 とは? What is the Heart of Tea?

「顕子ちゃんには "茶のこころ" がないな、教えてあげるから日本に帰ってきたらわたしのところへ通いなさい」




You do not have the heart of tea yet, so I will teach you. Once you return to Japan, you should come to me.

These were the words that inspired me to start visiting the home of Tea Master Munetoshi Koizumi three years ago. At that moment, I remember wondering, "The heart of tea?"

Later on, I learned that "the heart of tea" is "hospitality" and the essence of it is "consideration (for others)".

However, it wasn't until the end of 2019, exactly one year after I had been going to Professor Koizumi's office, that I was able to understand the meaning of the concept in a way that was easily absorbed into my mind. 




このフレーズが意味することを噛み砕くと、「愛とは、隙間に染み込ませること。相手の"隙"に対して、自分はどう埋めることができるだろうか(役に立つことができるだろうか?助けになることができるだろうか?)という行為」「見栄っ張りはその "隙" を開示しないため、愛を染み込ませることができない。よって、愛せない」となります。


"I can't love a vain man."

When I met Professor Koizumi in December 2017, I read Kakuzo Okakura's "The Book of Tea," for the first time. Even though there were many situations where I could not understand the meaning of the book, at the time I was satisfied with the fact that I had read it, and in January of 2018, I started going to Professor Koizumi's home.

A year later, at the end of 2018, when I opened "The Book of Tea" again, the phrase that jumped out at me was, "I can't love a vain man."

To break down what this phrase means, "Love is to seep into the gaps." How can I fill in the gaps in the other person's life? (How can I be useful? Can I help?) Because vain people don't disclose their "gaps," they can't imbibe love. Therefore, it is impossible to love.

This was the phrase that condensed what Professor Koizumi had been doing for me that year. 





The Practice of "Dialogue"

At Professor Koizumi's home, we were always chatting. I would arrive in the morning or at noon, and before we knew it, the sun was setting.  If we were hungry, she would make us a delicious meal, and rather than practicing making matcha, she would say, "Since we're here, let's make matcha twice," and we would chat over tea and sweets. We don't usually have a theme, but if there is a theme, it's "what I've noticed between the last time I was here and today," and from there the dialogue begins. We talk so much sometimes that our faces burn, we stretch our legs and talk enthusiastically. 

On the days that I went to see Professor Koizumi, I felt like the strongest person in the world and arrived home with a happy spirit. When I was out of energy, I would always ask "Professor, when can I come next?"

I realized that this feeling was actually Professor Koizumi's deep love for me, and through this practice, I was being infused with her energy of love.







To be the embodiment of "Gentle Tea"

I feel that there are many ways to understand the "heart of tea" and "compassion" as they are the "lifestyles" of people, but I feel that there is no one correct answer. In my case, I often criticized people when I saw a person's "gap", so I felt that I finally understood the meaning of "compassion" for the first time. At the same time, I was surprised that I hadn't noticed the depth of love and affection I had received from Professor Koizumi that year, and I said to her on the spot, "Professor! Oh my god! I noticed something amazing!"

When I called professor Koizumi, she said, "This is also the appearance of a tea master. In reality, it can be very difficult and sometimes painful. But as a tea master, I want to be cheerful and smile at all times. Because 'tea' is kind. I hate it if 'tea' is dark."

Professor Koizumi laughed.

The warm, mellow, and gentle expression of Professor Koizumi and Sen Genshistsu, the Grandmaster of the tea ceremony, is the face that one attains after mastering tea.

I would like to get closer to that kind of expression in my daily practice. 
