
#9_「序の茶(じょのちゃ)」点前 - Beginner's Tea, Jyo-no-Cha

茶の湯の間口を広く 敷居を低く



To broaden the frontiers of the tea ceremony and lower the barriers so all can participate

The concept of Beginner's Tea was created with this in mind. Tea Master Professor Sobin Koizumi, who has been teaching about the spirit of enjoying tea at our organization for the past three years, created it with the aim to "enable anyone, even a busy person, to learn how to make a delicious cup of tea in 90 minutes."




そのような問題意識を背景に開発された「序の茶点前」は、流派や経験に関係なく、 90分で、簡単に、誰でも上手にお茶を点てられるよう設計されています。

シンプルではあるものの、茶の湯の本質に触れ、雰囲気を楽しむために「本物」にふれること、「まねぶ」=「まなぶ」ことを大事にしています。 京都宇治産の最高級茶葉を使用し、和菓子、お道具を使って参加者みずからお茶を点てます(「茶来(さらい)」より)
お茶に親しみ 楽しみながら
気軽に 楽しく本当のお抹茶を味わってもらうこと
そして 茶道の「点前」を通じて


First, please enjoy the tea. 

Having been a tea master for more than 70 years, and having held many ceremonies overseas, Professor Koizumi felt the following:

There is a big gap between "those who are interested in tea" and "those who choose to join a tea school." Not only overseas but also among Japanese people, there is a strong notion that "the tea ceremony is too difficult to learn," and as a result, the popularity of the tea ceremony is decreasing. How can we convey that "gentleness" and "fun" are the true nature of tea?

With these questions in mind, she developed The Beginner's Tea, or Jyo no Cha, which is designed so that anyone, regardless of school or experience, can easily and skillfully prepare tea in 90  minutes.

Although it is simple, it emphasizes the importance of experiencing "the real thing" or "understanding," in order to touch the essence of the tea ceremony and enjoy the atmosphere. Participants prepare their own tea using the finest tea leaves from Uji, Kyoto, and Japanese sweets and utensils.
The aim of The Beginner's Tea is to allow more people to become familiar with and enjoy tea, and to pass on the essence of the tea ceremony in a flexible manner. 

In a sense, the Beginner's Tea ceremony is the form of an introductory tea ceremony that Professor Koizumi, who has spent her life as a tea master for 70 years, has mastered.



The Beginner's Tea to the World

We believe the Beginner's Tea, which provides an experience of enjoying tea through hospitality, will play a role as a bridge between Japan and people who are interested in Japan overseas. Without any prior knowledge of Japan, anyone can quickly learn about the etiquette and spiritual culture that Japan values. One of our activities is to provide this tea ceremony to people all over the world. 




Our Tea Diplomacy

The tea ceremony is a symbol of harmony cherished by Japanese people. We believe that this spirit of harmony will play a major role in the international community in the future and that the tea ceremony contains the value of international cooperation.

Through tea diplomacy, we aim to contribute to the peace of mind of individuals, local communities, and the world by spreading the spirit of harmony to every corner. 

参考: 序の茶(「茶来(さらい)」より)

抹茶は良薬として800年前に大陸(中国)から伝わってきました。 当時の日本は鎌倉時代、貴重な抹茶は同じ重さの金(ゴールド)より高価でした。




Reference: Beginner's Tea (From "Sarai")

The History of the Tea Ceremony
Matcha, or powdered green tea, was introduced by China 800 years ago in the form of medicine. At the time, Japan was in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and matcha was more expensive than gold. The precious and expensive matcha became a part of Japan's aristocratic culture through etiquette, beautiful manners, and room aesthetics, and is now a profound part of Japan's spiritual culture. The room of the tea ceremony is the place where tea is enjoyed and has a spirit of hospitality. In modern times, the tea ceremony is regarded as part of the noble culture of harmony that Japan is proud of. 
The Benefits of Maatcha
The character for tea (茶) is written with the words grass (草), person (人), and tree (木), which symbolizes harmony with the natural world, and that tea is the best medicine to balance human beings. In fact, tea contains many ingredients that are said to be good for the human body, such as catechins, vitamins, dietary fibers, and anti-oxidants. It is also said to be  good for relaxing and fighting fatigue, and can enhance skin to become more beautiful. Tea is also said to have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-cavity effects. Drinking tea by grinding the entire tea leaf provides 100% of the nutrients of the tea, which helps to regulate the organs and improve overall health. Matcha is a drink that not only benefits the culture of the tea ceremony, but also nutritional and spiritual health. 
The Tea Ceremony teaches the Way of Life
Ritualistic:Offering of the tea
Training:Morality and ethics rooted in Buddhism 
Artistic:Natural (seasonal)tools, flowers, hanging scrolls, and sweets 
