#16_日本文化をコンサルティングする Consulting on Japanese Culture


My name is Komura, and I am a member of the Sakuracha Meet.
I have been participating in this activity because I am aware of the problem of Japan's declining status in the world, and I think that if we can utilize Japan's soft power more, we can make use of it to harmonize the world.


This time, Mrs. Kawai, the representative of the association, asked me to "advise on Japanese culture," and I decided to contribute. (Laughter)


First of all, I would like to start by recognizing the problem. Japan's economy is still the third largest in the world in terms of GDP, and I think it can be said that Japan has a high international standing. However, the gap is widening due to the rise of China, and with the declining birthrate and aging population, the growth rate is expected to decline in the future. It is becoming an anachronism to talk about the size of a country only in terms of GDP, but I believe that the impact of a declining population will have a reasonable impact.


On the other hand, Japan has a unique culture that cannot be found in the West, and I believe that there is a high level of interest in this culture from overseas.


It is said that Japanese people are not good at asserting themselves, but if we can communicate the soft power of Japanese culture, and link it to the enhancement of Japan's brand power (which in turn increases added value and productivity) and international status, I think we can avoid a drastic decline in our status.


The following is a brief summary of what I think is going on.


1. Problem
Japan's position in the world is declining (although this may be more of an issue for Japan itself rather than Japanese culture).


2. Issue
Japan's ability to communicate is weak, and even though Japan has a unique culture, it has not been able to fully promote it to the outside world (as a result, its brand power has not improved and productivity is low).


3. Ideal state (goal)
To have many foreigners understand Japanese culture and to improve the brand power of Japan. As a result, Japan's international standing will be secured, and its economic scale will be maintained at a reasonable level.
More ideally, the people of the world will understand the good points of Japanese culture, and the harmony of the world will be maintained.


4. Proposed measures
Japanese people themselves should reaffirm the value of Japanese culture. (There is no point in sharing the information if you don't understand the content. In addition, if you are sharing the information send it out in an appropriate form (nowadays, various tools such as SNS and web conferencing are available at low cost, so use them).


We can't force everyone to take action, so those who feel that way should take action themselves and spread the word, in a grassroots manner ( this is the action that Sakura Cha meet takes).
However, in order to increase the number of people who feel this way, it may be a good idea to increase the number of opportunities to learn about Japanese culture as part of national education.


There are many characteristics of Japanese culture, but I think the spirit of "wabi-sabi" is what the world is looking for now.


The SDGs are now in vogue, and I believe that people are looking for ways of thinking that are similar to "wabi-sabi", such as "not destroying the global environment with flashy decorations, but feeling the atmosphere of tranquility", and "calming the mind by looking at nature" in response to mental illness issues caused by the new coronavirus.


As for the tea culture in Japan, it is thought to have originally blossomed during the Warring States period, when the government of the time took advantage of it, but since swords were not allowed to be brought into the tea room, I suppose it became a "peace of mind" during the chaotic period of many wars.


It would be wonderful if we could share the spirit of tea with other countries and maintain harmony in a world of constant conflict.


So, I have briefly thought about Japanese culture, but it may have been a way of organizing the basis of why I continue this activity. If you agree with these thoughts, I would be happy to work with you!

