
People who say they don't have time lose their lives.

hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

Well, today I'm going to talk about "People who say they don't have time will lose their life", but first of all, if you think this story was "good", please share it😁

Now for the main topic.

Well everyone.

Is there anyone around you?

People who say they don't have time.

Is it true that you don't have time for this?

If you look at it from the side, it's not very good, but you can't see it, can you?

For example, there are many other things that catch your eye, such as having tea slowly even though you say you don't have time, smoking cigarettes, watching TV all the time.

"Eh? If you stop doing that, you'll definitely have time!"

That's right.

In the end, it's how people use their time from the outside, and the only person who doesn't realize it is the person themselves.

It's not that you don't have time, it's that you're wasting your time.

Time does not arbitrarily increase or decrease.

I believe everyone has the same 24 hours.

But what are you doing with those 24 hours?

How you allocate and use it is the true nature of this "I don't have time" problem.

In other words, instead of thinking about time as "will it exist or not?", the correct way to think about time is "whether we can make it or not."

If you think about it this way, don't you think that you will no longer have the mindset of "I don't have time", you will be less stressed about being pressed for time, and you can create your own freely?

Also, I can explain in detail the psychology of people who say "I don't have time", so if you are interested, please register as a friend from my official LINE.

We will answer all your questions there.

If you know this psychology, you can use it to build good relationships with people, such as subordinates, bosses, children, parents, and friends, so you will not lose.

I will post the LINE ID and QR code at the bottom of this blog, so please check there and register.

So, if you enjoyed today's story, please introduce it to your friends.

See you soon ✌️
