
#33 英語日記(2/1)「TOEIC卒業」






I took a TOEIC test on December, and I achieved the goal that I have been always aimed.
First of all, the reason why I aim over the 900 points was to remove (英語に対する苦手意識).
I could achieved the goal than I expected, I'm proud of myself.

But, somehow I feel like I don't want to do anything.
It is kind of like "burned out".

My final goal is being able to communicate with foreigners without obstructs.
(ではなく)get high score on some exams.

Of course, just because I have a high score on TOEIC test doesn't mean I can speak English fluently.

I restarted online English conversation lessons.
I try to say goodbye to ”lazy" and I do want to study English everyday little by little.


I took the TOEIC in December and successfully achieved a score of 900, a goal I had been working towards for a long time.
In the first time, my aim to score above 900 on the TOEIC was to overcome my English weaknesses.
I must commend myself for reaching this goal sooner than I expected.

However, lately, I've been feeling a lack of motivation so I might be experiencing burnout syndrome.

My ultimate goal in learning English is not only to get a high score on a certification exam, but also to communicate without difficulty in English with people from different countries.

A high TOEIC score doesn't necessarily reflect fluency in English.
Having re-enrolled in online English conversation courses, I am determined to brace myself and continue my daily English studies.


  • in the first time : そもそも

  • weakness:苦手意識

  • I've been feeling a lack of motivation:やる気が出ない

  • burnout syndrome:燃え尽き症候群

  • brace:(気を)引き締める
