
#25 英語日記(10/10)「電車内寒い」





In this morning, I was about to have stomach ache because it was so cool in a commute train. Since it is recently getting cold in the morning and evening, I want to change from cooling to heating.

Anyway, there are only 4 weekday because it was national holiday yesterday.
It couldn't be better!!


The train to work this morning felt so cold that it almost made me sick to my stomach. The weather has been turning autumn-like recently, and it's getting colder especially in the mornings and evenings. I think it is about time to switch the air conditioning in the train to heating.

Aside from that, yesterday was a national holiday, so there are only four more weekdays left. I'm so happy!


  • it is about time to~ そろそろ~してもいい頃だ

  • switch A to B AからBに切り替える

  • aside from that それはさておき
