
『ホモサピエンス全史』における未解決の課題への一つの答え~For Yuval Noah Harari~ハラリさんへ(YouTube原稿)





I have an answer to your book. I would like to talk with you to end the wars in the world. I am a housewife from Kyushu, Japan, and I was a clinical psychologist before I got mental disorder. 



私は「Okusama 奥様思想家」を名乗って、古瀬詩織というペンネームで表現活動を行っています。これまでアマゾンKindle出版から4冊の著作を発表しています。1冊の名言集と、1冊の小説、そして2冊の詩集です。



Shiori Furuse is a Japanese philosopher who formerly worked as a clinical psychologist and school counselor. She is a survivor of sexual abuse and, while confronting her own mental illness, she achieved self-enlightenment at the age of 40. Currently, she runs a YouTube channel where she provides content related to psychology and philosophy. Additionally, she has published a book titled "Onna no Buki" ("A Woman's Weapon") .


Chat GPTより



world peace ,
the registration of the Japanese language as a world cultural heritage,
receiving a Japanese literary award.
receiving a Nobel Prize for Literature or Peace.(Japanese laugh)

夢は世界平和と、 そのための日本語の世界文化遺産の登録、 そのためのノーベル文学賞または平和賞受賞、 そのための日本の文学賞受賞です














「イザナミ」 という私の詩を読みます。



私はもぐる にえたぎる マントルはするりとよけて
するすると 横へ横へとすすんだら
あら 私のつま先が見えてきた
くうるり 私はまあるくなって わっかになった
まあるくなって まあるくなって
誰でもいざなう おいでやす
これで寝れるわ おやすみなさい
誰とでも寝るわ おやすみなさい
















カミワ シ

right write light

ともしび よ


*English version (manuscript)

For Yuval Noah Harari

1.About me

The other day, I replied to your post on X.

I have an answer to your book. I would like to talk with you to end the wars in the world. I am a housewife from Kyushu, Japan, and I was a clinical psychologist before I got mental disorder. 


I go by the name "Okusama Philosopher"
and use the pen name Shiori Furuse
for my creative activities.
I have published four books through Amazon Kindle: one collection of quotes, one novel, and two poetry collections.

First, please understand that my appearance style
and my pen name are forms of expression with meaning. I am likely not a comedian.

I will read the result of asking ChatGPT
about Shiori Furuse.

Shiori Furuse is a Japanese philosopher who formerly worked as a clinical psychologist and school counselor. She is a survivor of sexual abuse and, while confronting her own mental illness, she achieved self-enlightenment at the age of 40. Currently, she runs a YouTube channel where she provides content related to psychology and philosophy. Additionally, she has published a book titled "Onna no Buki" ("A Woman's Weapon") .

Chat GPT

It seems that AI recognizes me
as a philosopher (laughs),
and I am very pleased.

As I wrote on X, my dream is

world peace ,
the registration of the Japanese language as a world cultural heritage,
receiving a Japanese literary award.
receiving a Nobel Prize for Literature or Peace.(Japanese laugh)

夢は世界平和と、 そのための日本語の世界文化遺産の登録、 そのためのノーベル文学賞または平和賞受賞、 そのための日本の文学賞受賞です


One reason I focus on the Japanese language is
because it is my native tongue,
but there are other reasons as well.

Of course, other languages with women`s strong maternal influences
likely exist,
but this is one proposal
based on population usage and international circumstances. (bow)

2. "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind"and I

I listened to your book "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind"
as an audiobook.
As I mentioned earlier,
I suffer from a mental disorder.
Even if one achieves enlightenment, overcoming trauma
that the body remembers is difficult. I take medication and
receive medical and welfare support,
for which I am grateful to the Japanese people. (bow)

As a former clinical psychologist,
I respect Freud
and wish to contribute to the development of
mental health and welfare in the future.

I have trauma and cannot read books much as it makes my head spin.
So, I cannot become a scholar.
I am an expressionist, ↑ philosophizing from my experiences.
When I read books, it is to check if my thoughts are correct.

However, the reason I read your book  was
that my husband's Chinese colleague
highly praised it.
I thought  there must be something important written in it, so I read it.

My mother
left home when I was in junior high school. My parents divorced
due to religious conflicts, and the divorce was finalized through mediation when I was in high school.
I attended the mediation sessions.
In other words,   my adolescence was colored by religious war.
During that time, I also witnessed   violence from my father towards my mother.
For me, religious war is a deeply painful
and intensely concerning issue.
In the midst of the painful wars happening now,
various things have occurred in my life,
and I achieved enlightenment a year ago.
I have struggled with the faith my Jehovah's Witness mother
instilled in me  for 25 years.
Achieving enlightenment and losing worldly desires is good,
but it was very painful to  not  believe in anything.
However, now I have overcome that   and am living.
I believe in life.

3.Peace and Japan

Even though I have achieved enlightenment,
as a Japanese mother, I still worry  greatly about raising children in these times.
Moreover, having achieved enlightenment,
I feel a strong sense  of duty  to  somehow address the problems of the suffering world.

It may be presumptuous
but I have mustered the courage.

I want the nationality of "Earthling."  United Nations, please grant me the nationality of "Earthling."

When I was in high school, I stayed with a host family in Australia. My host mother,
despite my weak connection with my own mother, still warms my heart.

My host family were Protestants, and we went to church on Sundays.

I have also been to Greece, Egypt, Thailand, China, Taiwan, and South Korea. For me, Earth is my homeland.

Poem "Izanami": Izanami is the mother goddess in Japanese mythology
who gave birth to the land   
and presides over the  afterlife.

I dive in, the boiling mantle  
slips aside  Slipping smoothly,
sideways and sideways
Oh, my toes come into view  
Curled up,   
I become a circle, 
a ring Round and round  
Welcoming all,  come on in   
Now I can sleep, goodnight    
I can sleep with anyone, goodnight

Now, I have rewritten mythology,
and for the Japanese, our land is the Earth.
In Japan, there is a concept called animism.
To achieve the SDGs,
I have devised a new form of education,  
summarized under the subject
names Sun Moon, Fire, Water, Tree, Gold, Soil,

My modest poetry collection
"Curriculum Guidelines"
contains that curriculum,  so please take a look.
The link is   in the description.

4.My an answer.

In a class I took as an education student,
I was predicted that in  an internet society, it would be
impossible to keep secrets in child-rearing.
Therefore, I do not   recognize children  as children  but as "human beings."
I try to be as honest  as possible,  matching  their readiness, and  
treat them with respect.

I may not be able to  write a proper response  to your book   alone. However, I will make  some effort  to express myself now

The conversation may jump around, but please listen for a little while.

Japan has a language and dynasty that have existed since a time without writing. Japan originally  had
sounds  and  meanings,  and later  adapted Chinese characters to fit these. This evolved into a complex writing system  with kanji, hiragana, and katakana.
The invention of katakana  made it possible to  incorporate  foreign words and cultures.
The oldest known ruler in Japan  is Queen Himiko  from the 2nd century.
This has long been  common knowledge in Japan.
In the 8th-century  myth-like historical texts,  mother goddesses had power comparable to father gods.
The culture of its country embeds the Language, doesn't it?

I am a housewife. The role of housewife (emerged in post-World War II) , unique among <developed countries>.
Traditionally, housewives have managed the salary of their  salaried husbands  
and  controlled ↑ household finances. My husband and I also do this.
I believe  the power held by housewives,
despite  lacking military  or  economic strength,
is due to  the Japanese language.

I imagine, Queen Himiko was not a cool beauty as often depicted
but a peace-loving, altruistic, and cute girl like Shizuka from Doraemon.
Perhaps she was a comforting figure like the heroine of Sailor Moon (smile).
We Homo sapiens have selfish genes  and self-defense instincts  
but can become altruistic through religion.
Especially Christianity, which strongly promotes altruism and compassion.

However,ー under capitalist free competition,
one cannot acquire money without surpassing others.
Housewives were the only people  who do not need to make money.

Feminism has  brought  economic power  to women  for our social advancement,
and in that sense,  Japan may  be behind.
However, Japanese wives have always held immense power within their households.
Therefore, in Japan, it is possible to become a beloved and happy wife, cherished for life. そればかりか、地球のために、そうでなければならない。(悲しそうに)

This is because the language allows women to manage household politics through communication and empathy, even without military or economic power.

As an (胸に手を当てて)"Okusama Philosopher," I want to promote this idea as a perspective within capitalist society.
I believe  this could be  an answer to Harari –san book.

I am not a scholar, so I may have something wrong.

So, to linguists, economists,sociologists,historians, and philosophers in Japan, if you are listening, please help me. Correct me if I am wrong. (bow)

Finally, I will read one more poem.

”A new work”

The sky has cleared
The long rain has ended
The sky is clear Who cleared it?
神は紙 (God is paper)
カミハ シ(シin Japan means  paper and poem and death)


Write correctly

Correct  light  
Lamp of hope

