
FreeStyleリブレでリアルタイム記録 (6) / M5Stack で血糖値を表示


Nightscout に送られてきたグルコーチ値をリアルタイムで M5Stack の画面に表示します。


  • 他人も確認することができる

  • 遠隔地から確認することができる


  • Galaxy Z Flip 4 : docomo Android スマホ (Android 13)

  • MiaoMiao : Freestyle リブレ用の Bluetooth ブリッジ

  • xDrip+ (Nightly build 5th Dec 2023) : 血糖値をモニタリングするためのスマホアプリ

  • Nightscout 15.0.2

  • M5 Stack Basic V2.7 + SD カード (16GB 以下)


(1) PC (Windows 11) に USB ドライバーをインストール
下記のページから CP210x_VCP_Windows をダウンロード&インストールします。

(2) M5NS.ini の作成
下記の内容で M5NS.ini を作成し、SD カードのルートフォルダに書き込みます。


nightscout = http://xxxxxxxx:1337/  ; use your Nightscout site URL
token = xxxxxxxx                    ; token for access secured Nightscout site, 
                                    ; if public Nightscout site is used, delete token line and do not use it
bootpic = /M5_NightscoutMon.jpg     ; boot picture
name = xxxxxxxx                     ; display name
device_name = M5NS                  ; device name for mDNS, that can be used to  access the device from local
                                    ; intranet, use .local domain, eg. m5ns.local
disable_web_server = 0              ; To disable internal Web server enter 'disable_web_server = 1'
time_zone = 3600                    ; the time zone where you live in seconds (3600 is GMT+1, Prague)
dst = 3600                          ; your daylight saving time offset (3600s is +1 hour)
show_mgdl = 0                       ; use 0 to display values in mmol/L or 1 for mg/dl
sgv_only = 0                        ; set to 1 if you use xDrip, Spike or similar to filter out calibrations
                                    ; etc., do not use with Tomato (set 0)
default_page = 0                    ; page number displayed after startup
show_current_time = 1               ; show current time instead of last valid data time
restart_at_time = HH:MM             ; time in HH:MM format when the device will restart
restart_at_logged_errors = 0        ; restart device after particular number of errors in the log 
                                    ; (0 = do not restart)
show_COB_IOB = 1                    ; show COB and IOB, values are grayed out if COB/IOB value is 0
snooze_timeout = 30                 ; sound snooze time in minutes after press of the middle button
alarm_repeat = 5                    ; sound repeat interval in minutes (alarm repeats only if alarm/warning 
                                    ; conditions are met)
info_line = 1                       ; 0 = sensor info, 1 = button function icons, 
                                    ; 2 = loop info (Loop) + basal, 3 = OpenAPS loop info + basal
temperature_unit = 1                ; 1 = CELSIUS, 2 = KELVIN, 3 = FAHRENHEIT. Can be omitted (default Celsius).
display_rotation = 1                ; 1 = buttons down (default, can be omitted), 3 = buttons up, 
                                    ; 5 = mirror buttons up, 7 = mirror buttons down  
date_format = 0                     ; 0 = dd.mm. (default, can be omitted), 1 = MM/DD
time_format = 0                     ; 0 = 24 Hours (default, can be omitted), 1 = 12-hour AM/PM
brightness1 = 50                    ; the first (default) brightness value
brightness2 = 100                   ; the second brightness value
brightness3 = 10                    ; the third brightness value

;;;;;;;;;; following values are in mmol/L or mg/dL depending on the previous setting of "show_mgdl" key value_

yellow_low = 4.5           ; glycemia values under this value will be displayed in yellow color
yellow_high = 9            ; glycemia values over this value will be displayed in yellow color
red_low = 3.9              ; glycemia values under this value will be displayed in red color
red_high = 11              ; glycemia values over this value will be displayed in red color
snd_warning = 3.7          ; softer high beep sound will beep every 5 mins when under this value
snd_alarm = 3.0            ; strong alarm will sound every 5 min when under this value
snd_warning_high = 14.0    ; softer high beep sound will beep every 5 mins when over this value
snd_alarm_high = 20.0      ; strong alarm will sound every 5 min when over this value
snd_no_readings = 20       ; softer high beep sound will beep every 5 mins when time in minutes when last data was read 
                           ; is over this value
snd_loop_error = 1         ; 0 = no loop error alarm, 1 = stronger sound alarm to loop error
snd_warning_at_startup = 1 ; play test warning sound with its volume during startup (1 = play, 0 =  do not play)
snd_alarm_at_startup = 0   ; play test alarm sound with its volume during startup (1 = play, 0 =  do not play)
warning_volume = 20        ; volume of warning sound in range 0-100 (0=no sound, 1=silent, 100=max volume)
alarm_volume = 100         ; volume of alarm sound in range 0-100 (0=no sound, 1=silent, 100=max volume)

;;;;;;;;;; there are supported some external devices, take care and know what you are doing when you connect it

LED_strip_mode = 0         ; external RGB LED strip or internal M5Stack Fire RGB LED support
                           ; 0 = off, 1 = visualize sound, 2 = show warnings and alarms, 3 = light always
LED_strip_pin = 15         ; pin that controls LEDs, 15 = M5Stack Fire internal pin
                           ; 21 = red PORT A connector (not recommended, collides with I2C, first LEDs will blink occassionaly
                           ; 26 = black PORT B connector, 17 = blue PORT C connector
LED_strip_count = 10       ; 10 = number of M5Stack Fire internal LEDs,
                           ; 15 = 10 cm strip, 29 = 20 cm strip, 72 = 50 cm strip, 144 = 100 cm strip, 288 = 200 cm strip
LED_strip_brightness = 10  ; 1-100% brightness intesity (100 = max.) 
                           ; for more than 10 LEDs use 10%, 5% or even less otherwise loaded current will reset the M5Stack

vibration_mode = 0         ; VIBRATION MOTOR UNIT ; 0 = off, 1 = ON (vibrate during sound)
vibration_pin = 26         ; pin that controls VIBRATION UNIT motor, 26 = M5Stack Fire PORT B connector, 17 = blue PORT C connector
                           ; do not connect vibration motor to red PORT A, it will rotate always as it will be in collision with I2C
vibration_strength = 512   ; 10 bit PWM value for VIBRATION UNIT motor control, 512 = 1/2 of max. power, do not use more, full power
                           ; will reset the M5Stack, recommended range is 256-512

micro_dot_pHAT = 0         ; 0 = off, 1 = ON (display SGV and DELTA on I2C Pimoroni Micro Dot pHAT connected to I2C pins 21+22)

;;;;;;;;;;  you can connect up to 9 WiFi access points, no need to setup all, one is enough

ssid = xxxxxxxx  
pass = xxxxxxxx


  • nightscout : nightscout サーバー URL

  • token : nightscout サーバー Token

  • name : 自分の名前

  • wlan1 / ssid と pass : Wi-Fi の SSID とパスワード

(4) M5Stack にファームウェアの書き込み
下記のページから最新のリリース (2023-01-09 現在の最新は v2020-10-02-01) をダウンロード&解凍。

M5Burner.exe を実行、Firmware を指定して Burn ボタン。

Firmware に M5_NightscoutMon for 4MB flash

(5) M5Stack 再起動
M5Stack を PC から外し、SD カードをセット後、電源に接続し起動します。



http://{M%Stack の IP アドレス} 


それまでは PC ブラウザに Nigthscout 画面を表示していましたが、画面の仕事スペースを占有されますし、PC の電源が入ってなくても見られるのが◎。
