

Hello. I'm Fuu.
This time, I'll write about dance in America! I try to write in English!! You try to read. My English and grammar may be mistake. If you can not read and understand, please write comment freely!

On October 26, Thursday, I joined dance club in Pennsylvania, America. This club has practicing dance and community. There are people who do Hip-hop, house, street styles, and the other genres. There were many shape of dance in there.

I have been looking for dance activity and club in Pennsylvania and practicing dance by myself since I came to America. Before I found this club, I practiced dance outdoors near my home. I always practice in front of unknown building's door, so strange people and the building worker often make strange faces and speak to me in English. "What are you doing here?" and  "What are you looking for?". I often reply this, "I am doing sports and exercise here. I'm practicing dance because I'd like to be good, and I need mirror to practice dance, so I am in front of this door."  When I said this and asked "Can I practice dancing here?", I could get permission from the building person just in case.
On October 21,23, I practiced dance there in the evening. That day, I spoke to three people. The first of them is a person who gave me permission about dancing here. The Second is the police. The Third is the building worker. I was very surprised when police were coming to me and asked many questions. "What are you doing here? Do you need ambulance and police?", the police asked me. "No", I replied.
On days when there is no club, I usually practice there.

This club dance genre is street style, so everyone joined this club dance freely with music. There is not fixed choreography, so we practice what we would like to have skill.
There was an opportunity that I joined this club. It was "Bunkasai" at  my University in America. It had in mid-October, and I watched with my friends. Bunkasai had many groups of dance performance and band music, also there was Taiko performance. It was very impressive to everyone, especially Street style club performance was impression for me. So then, I took the contact to the club by Instagram immediately and sent massage each other many times. Then I joined this club on October 26,23. I was very nervous because I went by myself, my English skill is poor, and I am dance beginner.

When I tried actually participating, I felt really free. There is not fixed choreography, so first I didn't know what to practice. But, I watched everyone dance and tried to imitate that person's dance. It was difficult. When I practiced, two people taught me dance skills. They were Wave, Waist isolation, step skills, and the other. I've never done those techniques so far, but the two of club members taught me kindly, and I could get those skills. Though it was my first time there, I was very grad to meet and chat many people in English.
Also, I could see myself clearly by miller. In Japan, at my University dance circle, I couldn't see myself because I don't like myself who is not good at dancing. But I could do in America and felt fresh. This is a big development for me.
Moreover, I'm supposed to be dancing in America, but I felt the club members are Japanese. Is it because their dance are very good? When there are opportunity to talk other people, I found this members are foreign people and speak English. So I try to practice dance and hear people's English.

Though the story changes a little, I remembered when I commuted to table tennis class and practiced in my childhood during dancing that's time. When I was in elementary school, junior high school, and high school students, about for 7 years, I belonged to a local sports club and played table tennis. But I went there once a three months, so I'm not good at a little. In this class, I had practiced swinging if I had free time. When dancing, I remembered this, and I thought it is like this club times.

I found a new community again!
It was very fun and valuable for me to see variety of dance near.
I could find dance activity!!
I will practice more and get better. It is English too.
