【自分用メモ】Old Verse(英語版 ふるいポエム)全文


説明文(全部共通):Part of a series of old poems that been unearthed around the Hisui region. Judging from the handwriting,it appears they were all written by the same person.

Old Verse1(ふたりの教祖)

"Once there were two.
And one looked upon time's steady pace.
And one looked upon the expanse of space.
"And the two set out:
the fullness of future did they seek.
the world's far end would they greet.
"Two different paths―
each walking alone a path their own,
though they walk with almighty Sinnoh."


"O you,who at the world's far-off end dwell,
I know your wish― it is my wish as well.
"My own beloved is now gone from me,
departed to a place I cannot reach.
My old companions have left me behind,
their faces faded into days gone by.
"still to my breast I clutch this hopeless dream,
a future wish for us once more to meet.
"O you,who at the world's far-off end dwell,
I know your wish― it is my wish as well.
"But ours are cold and endless winter days,
warmed only by memories locked away."


"No claws nor fangs, no strength to claim―
no man could hope to hold his own to mighty Pokemon.
"But bolts of light rained down one day,
ten times they fell, ten times struck true
upon ten Pokemon.
"Then to weak man did these ten turn, his strength to be, and all were blessed
by loyal Pokemon,
"Were not these bolts a gift to man?
Were they not your almighty grace,
great Sinnoh, paragon?"


"Ten pokemon, the ancient hero's loyal retinue―
though these companions now are gone,
their noble duty passes on
to generations new.
"The people thank the ten descendants for their gen'rous toil
by longing vessels built to last
with water clear and choice repast
before the arenas' soil."


"Long and longer yet ago,
Celestica was here.
But folk and town alike,
both did disappear.
"In time, came new folk sailing,
sailing 'cross the sea,
called by their love Sinnoh,
great and almighty.
"But diff'rent were the Sinnoh
that each folk did hold dear,
And bitter strife and angry war
were always at the near.
"'Celestica' they called themselves,
the name not theirs to take.
Yet claim it from the past they did,
for tragic quarrel's sake.
"So once again did our name live,
though all our people gone.
But even if the name endures,
its heart does not live on."

6(ミオとしょかんにあり。 湖のポケモン?)

"When that Pokemon was born,
intelligence bloomed among us,
enriching all our morrows.
"When that Pokemon was born,
emotions bloomed among us,
giving us joy and sorrows.
"When that Pokemon was born,
willpower bloomed among us
to act and not to wallow."


"O, lake in alabaster lands of ice,
lake brimming o'er with rich acuity…
"How many seek the Pokemon that shows
itself there,out to answer its words true
and earn its boon though ingenuity?
"But should they fail to understand its words and let its questions meet with no reply,
their minds will vibe wiped clean of memory…
"O, lake in alabaster lands of ice,
depths where rich acuity goes to sink."


"Throughout Hisui, plates lie scattered―
plates with powers all diverse.
"Forever lasting each inscribed
with eternal prayer's verse.
"Though space and time will they bear secret wishes for the universe."


"I set the bones of Pokemon
adrift upon the river.
"I let my memories flow on,
adrift upon the river.
"And to the ocean they will flow,
perhaps around the world to go.
"How many bones in days now gone
have I now set adrift from me?
"How many bones in days to come
will I yet set adrift to sea?
"While every gift with which I part
takes a silver of my heart."


"'Twas long ago he earned the name 'hero'…
"He led his retinue, ten Pokemon,
against the almighty unknowable.
"In battle did his valiance proclaim
at last the strength of humble humankind.
"The great unknowable approved this feat,
and to its domain of no place returned."


"Let our wishes reach heaven's crown,'
the people together vowed.
"So they and their Pokemon bore stone
to the peak of heaven's mount.
"The people carved the gathered stones
in shapes of Pokemon―
"the ten Pokemon that Sinnoh shone
its almighty light upon."


Brimming with strange power…
"Certainly the land of Hisui
bears some resemblance to Sinjoh.
"here, where the ancient Sinnoh people
were born, I will spend an eternity…
until the with the mission appears."


"Sootfoot, humble root―
harvest it and peel it.
"Broiled baked, or steamed will do.
just let nobody steal it.
"Mash the root, then knead the mash,
then once more heat it over―
"Grill it only till it browns―
use Ember, not Flamethrower.
"Now harken well,and listen closely:
the wise adore potato mochi.
"A day spent eating all in reach,
is no day wasted,if you ask me."


"The fieldlands rush by underhoof
as Wyrdeer carries me astride―
"Companions of mine run with us
and Pokemon dash alongside.
"We come to stand where wind had swept
and old days play before my eyes…
"The memories come running through,
linking this place to times gone by.
"Time and space here bind together
and enfold my heart as I remember."


"The flow of time never stops…
The past,future,and present…
"Space is ever-expanding dimensions…
Our spirits,too,are as space…"


"Heaven's crown,
nearest to almighty Sinnoh…
"Power of almighty Sinnoh,
gather as stone at heaven's mount.
"Stone,let your power flow―
distort and bend the world around you."


"Once there was a god of field,
and once there was a god of spring.
"Upon Hisui's winds it wheeled,
brought life to every growing thing.
"'Where go you when you are not here?'
asked I one day the god of spring.
"No answer would it give me clear,
but still did I have an inking.
"There is no great dark truth untold―
it simply does not like the cold."


"Offer only friendship to those around you.
"Angering ??? in turn confounds you.
"Sorrowing ??? will in woe drown you.
"A land once riven, cannot become new.
"Let only peace and amity surround you."


"When first this land was formed,
man and 'mon lived happily,
Sharing all that they could see,
by kind acts born and warmed.
"One Pokemon then proposed
that they should always ready be
to help the humans should they need,
and let their presence be disclosed.
"And that is way,to this day,
not all Pokemon do flee
when a human they do see―
they leap out where tall grasses sway."


"Once it shone upon us all,
with all the warmth of welcome sun.
"But now we weep, to grief we fall,
starved of light now it has gone.
"And some they go,despair withal,
in search of it they reel and run.
"They quit their hearths, abandon hall,
and leave our lands to be undone.
"And when they're gone beyond recall,
this land will be a home to none.
This land will only ever be a home to Pokemon."

