英検1級2次面接 サンプルスピーチ:Can the military invasion of other countries be justified? 

Stance: NO

Firstly, there is no primary justification for invading other countries militarily; no one should engage in invasion. Military force, even in self-defense scenarios, can result in the loss of many innocent lives and the devastation of cities and entire nations.

For instance, when Country A invaded Country B claiming self-defense, it led to widespread destruction and loss of civilian lives in both countries. The conflict escalated tensions in the region and strained international relations, showing the devastating consequences of military invasion even when justified as self-defense.

Therefore, military invasion should not be implemented from the perspective of protecting human rights.

Secondly, military invasion is unpopular nowadays because governments must prepare for cyber attacks instead. Terrorist tactics have shifted from traditional military invasions to cyber warfare, necessitating more action against cyber threats.

For example, instead of launching a conventional military invasion, Country A targeted Country B's critical infrastructure through cyber warfare. This cyber attack disrupted essential services and caused significant economic damage, pointing out the shift towards non-traditional threats in modern conflicts.

Q and A
What is the root cause of military invasion?
The reasons behind military invasion can vary significantly. Nations may resort to military action to demonstrate their power and assert dominance over others. This display of strength can serve as a means of intimidation to achieve political or strategic objectives. On the other hand, military intervention can also be justified as an act of self-defense, undertaken to safeguard the security and sovereignty of a nation against external threats or aggression

How should countries respond to threats without resorting to military force?
They should implement economic sanctions instead of military invasion. For example, in the trade war between the US and China, both countries imposed high tariffs on each other. This economic measure does not involve military force but rather uses tariffs to restrict imports and exports. Such actions serve as another method to exert pressure on other countries."

How does military invasion affect global stability and peace?
If military invasion is implemented, global stability and peace cannot be sustained. For example, when Russia invaded Ukraine through military means, other European countries responded by attacking Russia, seeking to protect Ukraine. This escalation can draw neighboring nations into the conflict through military intervention, leading to a loss of global stability and peace.

What role does diplomacy play in preventing military conflicts?
Diplomacy can foster peace agreements between countries without resorting to military force in cases of conflict. For example, in Japan, the constitution prohibits the use of military force, making law enforcement and diplomatic negotiations effective means to prevent military conflicts.
