
#2 英文ひたすら書いてみる。IELTSライティングTask2。テーマ→友達多い方が良い?少ない方が良い?



IELTS( International English Language Testing System、読み方:アイエルツ)は英語圏の国に留学、就労、移住を希望する人々の英語力を測定する英語試験。

【引用元:IDP IELTS 公式サイト】

Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends.

Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?




第一段落:結論 お題の再提起と自分の回答

(再提起)It is a common belief that having one genuine friend is more valuable than maintaining a multitude of acquaintances worldwide.(回答) I concur with this viewpoint, as I believe that the depth of true friendship outweighs the breadth of casual connections.

第二段落:理由1 最初に結論、次に理由、そして具体例を書きます。

(結論) Firstly, having a limited number of friends, or even just one, ensures the presence of trustworthy individuals in one`s life. (理由)Such people are often meticulous secret-keepers. In fact, these individuals are excellent confidants, secret keepers and good listeners of serious things or feelings. (例) Drawing from my personal experience, I have cultivated a small circle of friends with whom I can freely communicate, share my feelings and never fear judgment. 

第三段落:理由2 冒頭に結論、2つ目の理由と例を書きます。

(結論)Secondly, fostering relationships with true friends is simpler(理由) as it does not require the division of one's free time among numerous acquaintances.  Maintaining deep connections becomes challenging when we spread ourselves across a large network. Frequent interactions are essential for building strong bonds, and having too many acquaintances can hinder this process.(例) For instance, during my student years, I focused on accumulating a wide circle of friends.  However, I struggled to keep up with everyone, and over time, most of those connections faded away.

第四段落:再結論 結論と理由1、2を書いてお終いです✌

(結論)In conclusion, it is widely held that the value of one true friend surpasses that of numerous acquaintances. I agree with this opinion, (理由1)because trustworthy companionship allows for meaningful interactions and(理由2) maintaining a smaller circle ensures stronger relationships. While acquaintances serve their purpose, it is the depth of friendship that truly enriches our lives.

