

・Eat in / out
to eat at home / to eat in a restaurant
Ex. Are you going to eat in tonight?
-No, mum. I'm eating out with my friends.

・Eat up 
to finish all your meal, usually used with children
Ex. Eat up your breakfast or you'll be late for the school bus.

・Pick at
to eat small amounts of food because you're not hungry or you don't like it.
Ex. Is something wrong with you?
You've been picking at your food for half an hour.

・Snack on
to eat small amounts of food between main meals or as a substitute for one of them 
Ex. I'm not very hungry, I'll just snack on some biscuits and cheese.

・Cut down
to  eat less of something, usually to improve your health
Ex. The doctor told me to cut down on salt.

・Live on
to eat a lot of particular type of food, often a hypothetical figure of speech.
Ex. Honestly, I could live on pasta. I love it.

・Go off
when food is not good to be eaten anymore, out  of date.
Ex. I forgot to freeze this meat and now  it has gone off.

・Order in
to call a restaurant so that they can prepare food for you and bring it to you.
I don't feel like cooking. Will we order in some Chinese food?

・Whip up
to prepare something to eat quickly
Ex. I'll see what's in the fridge and whip up something for dinner.

・Dig in
to start eating, often said as an invitation to begin.
Ex. Let's all dig in before the food gets cold.
